Thursday, October 21, 2010

∆U = Q + W

I didn't think it was possible, but I'm afraid I might have run dry of bullsh*t juice.

Just finished with Geog module journal 2, and I'm totally done with the sixteen journal entries we have to do for English.

And because I seem to not be able to count, I accidentally did an extra article, which makes seventeen in total.

I am such an idiot.

Could've saved me half an hour of my life, but no, I can't count.

So this is why we learn how to count in kindergarden. To prevent you from accidentally doing too much work.

I feel so cheated.

Did our graded class task on our Math journal today during Math (man, I seem to be able to talk about nothing but journals in this post). Was all right, I guess. But as all journals go, bullsh*tted a lot there, too.

Mr Chia asked us what a model was, and he overheard me saying something about people dressing up in clothes to display them and walking down runways. I swear, teachers give me the weirdest looks.

Speaking of runways, I totally miss Project Runway.

Need to catch up with it soon.

Geog was all "do your Karst tutorial" but we kinda used the time to talk about other things instead. Whoops.

Went through two questions on thermody during Physics. ∆U = Q + W -ed our way through. I don't know why Yos gets so agitated when we ask him how to do Physics questions. We're like, "Hey, I don't understand this-" and he's all like, "Howcouldyounotknowit'scommonsensejustsubinthevalues..." and so on.

English, English. Let's not talk about English. Almost failed SA Essay 3. Tsk. Deterioration much. It's horrible and I feel awful about it. It's not cool to suck at something you were once actually good at. Not cool, man.

Time to bring myself to bring on the big words.

Last Bio quiz of the year was okay, and extra Malay was all about us completely failing at cloze passages and imbuhan-ing and recalling peribahasa.

Okay, better go off now.

Need to do something other than typing and writing.


P.S. How on earth does one "walk like a girl"?

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