Saturday, October 23, 2010

Year End Boarding Dinner 2010.

Feet ache, but man, we only get to do this only once a year, so totally worth it.

Year End Boarding Dinner 2010 just ended. It was surprisingly shorter than last year's, though. It's like last year, there was plenty more in the programme, and this year it was just performance, eat, some random game, eat, more performances, awards, more performances, disco.

It's almost as if they were rushing to get to the disco bit.

Yeah, plenty of fun.

When you're losing your voice and going deaf at the same time, you can't really tell how bad either is, 'cause you can't hear how bad your voice is, and you don't know whether you can blame that on bad hearing.

Kinda hungry now, actually. Hm.

Okay, the high-ness is wearing off.



P.S. And yeah, totally wore a dress through it all and totally survived. (Quick, congratulate me.)

P.P.S. Wish we could've had the dinner after exams, but what to do.

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