Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm still not done reading Scott Pilgrim, nor up to the second chapter of 'Royal Assassin' (by Robin Hobb), nor learnt any new songs, nor have I caught up with all the television shows I've been wanting to watch (How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, The Black Adder), nor have I finished that portrait of Christian Bale as Batman I started before the exams started.

I think I need to start doing one thing at a time, I think. It's like my mind is all divided and my attention is a splattered mess across my desk and laptop screen.

Oh horribleness.

Well, aside from not really accomplishing what I'd have liked to accomplish so far, I saw 'Thor' today at Vivo with Wee Thean and Colin.

It wasn't exceedingly brilliant or anything and thought it could've been better executed in some ways, but I enjoyed it all the same. It's fun to give yourself up to the Marvel Universe (in big picture form) from time to time.

There was one scene I particularly thought was awkward, and it's the one where the Warriors Three and Sif fight that creature that looked like a thing from Transformers, but with a furnace for a head. Honestly, come on, it was just plain weird.

And I wish they'd given Thor more time to develop himself on Earth and stuff, 'cause it seemed strangely abrupt to me in the movie.

But yeah apart from that, it wasn't bad at all, no. I absolutely loved Tom Hiddleston as Loki (especially his eyebrows. Have you seen his eyebrows? I love how they're always so animated). Good acting there, yeah.

Oh, and I think I might want to get myself a pair of glasses (or two). Constant eyestrain is taking a toll on me, I think. It's come to a point where I'd rather appear nerdier than I already am (nerdy exterior to compliment nerdy interior) than have to decide which eye to use. Oh sad life.

All right, going off now.


P.S. This is hilarious, but it makes me sad because it shows how hopeless we are. Stupid humans.

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