Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We suck.

Leap year post.

Doing Chem e-learning right now (even though e-learning day was last week) 'cause it's due tomorrow. It's possible because we have to watch this video where this lady talks, and I can listen and type at the same time 'cause I'm great like that. Besides, all I need is to copy out her diagrams.

Missing two hours of Chem two Mondays ago totally did not help with my current cluelessness. Just putting that out there.

Had a regular Tuesday yesterday, where we had mentoring, then Math, then English. Discussed some questions concerning the environment during English. I like to believe that we're not doomed, but I won't be alive to see what'll happen a hundred years down the road so it probably doesn't matter.

Sometimes I think I want to become supreme dictator extraordinaire so I can rule the world and control everything and tell assholes to go away so we can finally fix all our problems. Well, most of them.

Had our cluster steamboat at night, which was quite amazing. Ms Kong can cook. And so we ate and ate and ate. Goodness. First satisfactory meal in the hostel this year. So good.

Math was awesome today 'cause Mr Ku said the most epic thing. "Please stop making that noise. I'd rather you sleep instead." Best thing.

Finished off Chapter 4, so now we're done for the semester because we only have four chapters this module. So strange. I've never had Math so slack before. It's quite scary, because there will be a moment when it pounces on you from behind and bites your head off when you've grown complacent.

Hung around the music room for a while with Nikki and Jia Hong, then went off to play pool for the first time in weeks. Now we're down to two cue sticks from four, and there isn't a teeny bit of chalk in sight. It's funny how our cohort comes in and destroys everything.

Went to the Audi for ACE for this talk by our school counsellor. He is screwed in the head, I swear.

Learnt that our goals need to be quantifiable, and that we have to know where we're going to get to where we want to go. Sound advice.

Okay, long day tomorrow, so will go to bed now.

Good night.

P.S. Physics lab test tomorrow. Too bad those ancient civilisations never came up with a god of circuits or something. Oh help me.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Finally found the time (and guts) to watch the latest (although I'm quite late at this) episode of Sherlock. Man.

I'm like, halfway through now, and I sort of don't want it to end, because it is that good. I love how Moriarty is so smooth and sure of himself. That is a top class villain, man. All top class villains are cool, detached sociopaths.

Spent my weekend writing article reviews for English. Seems as if I can't write full, coherent sentences in one go. It's horrible. My ability to be coherent seems to be fading to a mindless babble of random, ephemeral thoughts. Which means I will probably most definitely do terribly in English this year.

Finally finished quite late last night, because I honestly did spend two whole days just sitting at my computer being completely antisocial and begging myself to finish my work. I don't remember doing anything else, really.

Also tried to get some cash over at WCP, but the ATM wasn't working, so now I'm quite cashless at the moment. Will have to either starve, or start borrowing money.

Woke up relatively earlier today 'cause I had to pass Eliot a camera his group is borrowing for their trailer project. And since I hardly wake up before seven nowadays, I thought it was totally normal for the sky to be that dark. Turns out I was wrong, 'cause it started raining soon after. Haven't had rainy school mornings in what seems like a forever, so it was a fresh start. I love starting school days with a little bit of rain and thunder. Makes me feel all refreshed and ready to start the day.

I really love rain.

Classroom flooded, but that was the least of our problems because none of our classes were actually held in our classroom today (except, of course, Math Honours, but I don't take that).

Went up to the synthetic lab for our first Chem prac of the school year. Grouped with Jia Hong and Deborah, and totally owned it 'cause we ended up only using eight test tubes of the thirteen allowed for our distinguishing tests. But then Mrs Chong made us fill in a few more rows just for the sake of it.

Felt pretty cool 'cause we also got to wear our lab coats (officially) for the first time. Everyone looked all professional. So that's what lab coats do to you. No wonder doctors wear them.

Spent our half an hour break studying for our weekly Mol Gen quiz. Ugh, going to do worse than most of the class (because I hardly studied, and I deserve it, and most of the class is probably going to score full marks because our quizzes are based on plain memorising). But as long as I pass, it doesn't really matter.

Turns out we had another prac that day, so we went up (once again) to the life science lab. Dr Ahn wasn't there, so we had Dr Tang administer the quiz and brief us and stuff. I like him.

Paired up with Jia Hong (again), and we had the prac in two parts. First part was trying to obtain some E. coli DNA for future pracs, then the second part was some strange thing I still don't understand. We learnt that it's really hard working with ridiculously insignificant amounts of liquids. 0.2µl is a complete chore to transfer, because you don't know when it leaves the micropipette tip because you can't see it.

Then went for a house meeting (didn't really do anything), then cleaned my room, then had dinner, and then that was it.

Back to Sherlock now.

P.S. Thankfully didn't blow anything up today. Go us.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Everything with rice.

Oh my goodness. I've just realised something and now I'm freaked out.

Listening to Maroon 5 at the moment, and then it hit me. The first line of 'She Will Be Loved' is "Beauty queen of only eighteen", and I was sitting here cutting my nails when I suddenly flashback-ed to many years ago, when I thought to myself, "Eighteen years is such a distant age."

And boom, I realise I'm eighteen. Eighteen. Eight-freaking-teen. Oh Lord. Maroon 5 songs refer to people my age now. Heck.

What seemed so far off back then is now now. And I'm freaked, man.

Anyway, sort of struggled to wake up for school today. On days like this I feel so thankful I have a roommate, because then there's always someone to ensure you get to school on time. It's a good relationship we have. Sometimes you hear stories about people having asshole roommates, and then you fervently thank God (and the hostel staff) for letting you have a decent one.

It takes a lot of trust to become roommates with someone, you know. Because if they wanted to, they'd be able to kill you in your sleep. How scary is that?

So had mentoring, where we sat around looking drowsy. Then continued with English. Ms Dass gave us the entire lesson to do our e-learning podcast thing, so I paired up with Jia Hong and we went over to the library to record our thoughts on the matter.

You can find our video here. One and a half hours of work, and I end up ripping the wrong sheet of paper on the final take. Brilliant me. But overall I think we did a pretty decent job. And I'm glad we could inject a bit of humour in there, too.

Back in class, Pin had to go and embarrass me by introducing me to a few of the British exchange students and telling them I would like a boyfriend. I'll probably never be able to look any of them in the eye again, although I think if I ever dated a British boy I'd just listen to him talk all day because of the accent. You know.

Stupid-people-Math (which is now what we use to refer to the Math majors class we take, because we have extremely low self-esteems) was all right. Went through the first few pages of Chapter 4, and then Mr Ku let us off half an hour early (again) because he is that awesome. Epic thing happened when he asked us to do a few examples and I said, "This is so un-fun," and then he came up to me and said in a super serious voice, "Ya Wen, sometimes Math is like that. It isn't fun." Like whoa.

Went to the music room with Nikki, Aisyah and MJ afterwards. Song selection is hard. I could be cheap and use a song I already know, but I don't like the thought of that.

CCA was a bit messy because it's really not easy to manage a bunch of people who are actually working but look as if they're doing nothing. It's horrible, but we get by.

Dinner-ed afterwards with Kelvin and Wee Thean at this place called 'Everything With Fries'. Good stuff, yeah.

Loads of pubs around, and there's this funny feeling you get when you haven't had alcohol for a long time and you smell it in the air around you. You suddenly become really thirsty and crave. Oh the craving.

Alcohol is bad for you and I'm cutting down (I hardly drink when I go home) but I still find it hard to resist. It calls to me.

Okay, going off now. It's super warm tonight, and I can't stand it.


P.S. Will be so productive tomorrow, it'll blow your mind.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hari Kebangsaan kali ke-28

Feeling super bloated right now, but that's sort of become the norm for National Days celebrated here.

E-learning today, so no school either, which made it feel even more like National Day back home. Except this isn't home, and we don't get to sleep in in air-conditioned rooms and then hang out with our families.

Woke up earlier than I'd liked to go for that combined Physio quiz we were supposed to do today. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, so hopefully I won't do badly. Need to keep up with Bio Honours expectations.

Speaking of honours expectations to keep up with, I think I'm going to totally flunk that for Chem. Like, oh God. So insecure. And doomed.

Then spent the rest of my morning doing God-knows-what and looking for a new layout for the blog because somehow the old one just like, disintegrated. Sometimes change is good. I quite like the new colour scheme.

Also managed to pseudo-finish Math Ass 3, then left for the Hyatt at four.

This year's celebration started off with a little exhibition about Bruneian culture, so a few of us had to stand around as living mannequins modelling the clothes people don't really wear anymore. Itchy stuff.

Ate tonnes, and took loads of pictures. I have footage, but my iPod battery died on me just when things were getting good. I really want a specialised vlog camera.

Okay, have to go and read up on backside attack (whatever that is) and think about what to say when we record our podcasts for English tomorrow.

Good night.

P.S. 22 new science/math pickup lines tonight. Totally on a roll. Sometimes you just need a good, new pickup line to pick you up and make your day. Also, it sort of motivates me to go and study all that pickup line content.

P.P.S. I love how the main reason I love being in a nerd school is that I understand these pickup lines now.

P.P.P.S. Favourite two of the night: You're an acid and I'm like litmus; every time I meet you I turn bright red. And Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyse this reaction?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Forever is over.

I don't post for a few days, and my blog layout sort of dies. How sad.

Missed two hours of Chem and half of Mol Gen on Monday, but it was totally worth it. Went to the airport to send the exchange people off. Last time in the bus together, last time eating together (breakfasted at Mac's and made lame jokes), last time taking photos together. And there were plenty of tears, too. Those who didn't cry felt pretty heartless, but like, we couldn't deny we felt so down afterwards. Heck. Didn't think I'd miss them that much, but I do.

And now the UK exchange people have taken over the media resource room. Every time I look in I feel a pang of longing for the hectic week that's passed and the people we've made friends with. So sad.

It's crazy how fast it passed. Must learn to appreciate the moment and carpe diem my way through life.

Slept away my sorrows (and fatigue) all afternoon on Monday, which meant I hardly got work done. I've fallen into this terrible habit of napping all my time away. I sort of feel perpetually tired. How is that even possible?

Tuesday was research congress day, so those who weren't involved (myself included) could kind of slack our way through it. Had to go for flag raising normal school time though, which was a bummer. And then ended up doing video duty, so just kinda hung around the control room and audi until the event started. I've missed filming events, actually. Even though we had to stand for more than two hours straight with minimal fidgeting, I quite enjoyed it. And if I were sitting in the audience, I'd have fallen asleep and missed out on it ('cause some of the presentations were pretty interesting and worthy of attention).

Walked around the hall for a while with Aisyah to look at posters and say hi to friends who were presenting that day. Felt so dumb because I found I couldn't understand a thing, and everything on the posters was all complete gibberish only smart people could comprehend. Terrible feeling, that.

So afraid of ARP now. Going to be the first person to flunk it, or something. Urgh.

Attempted to write article reviews for English yesterday afternoon, but totally failed and ended up with one 80% done (thankfully Ms Dass extended the deadline to Monday instead). So many things due, so little time. Stupid me.

And since I need a life, I also updated myself with How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory over the past week. HIMYM just gave me emotions, man. Oh the feelings. I really, really hope Barney and Robin end up together. I love how it's supposed to be a comedy, yet we become so emotionally attached to all our characters. I ship them so bad.

And today's Tuesday too, 'cause we had a timetable swap. Oh the complications.

Mentoring, Math, then English. Did tutorial 3 during Math. Have an assignment due Friday, but I haven't touched that yet. Goodness. Feel so clueless.

Talked about the environment during English. Everybody is a hypocrite. Let us all shut up and do things.

Went to the majlis doa kesyukuran today at the High Comm, 'cause Brunei's national day is tomorrow.

Mm, good food. Warming up for tomorrow's buffet (we're so greedy it's quite disgusting sometimes. But then again we live with hostel food, so it's excused).

No school tomorrow either, so we can at least feel like the other Bruneians. Hooray for e-learning.

Good night.

P.S. I love late night pantry discussions.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I'm so addicted to these right now, and I love having to listen to songs that pop up. Also I like to show off my extremely good taste in music (eww, me).

1. Which song describes the mood you are in right now?
You Keep Me Hangin' On -Glee version (Somehow I'm quite ashamed to have Glee versions of songs in my iTunes right now.)

2. Which song describes the mood you are usually in?
Stay The Night -James Blunt (Not really, no.)

3. Which song describes one of your favorites things to do?
Hallelujah -Paramore (I am thankful.)

4. Which song describes something else you like to do?
Wounded -Good Charlotte (Obviously nobody likes to get hurt.)

5. Which song explains the way you think about love?
Rock You Like A Hurricane -Scorpions (Yes baby, that is totally the way.)

6. What would you sing to your soulmate right now?
Sleeping With The Light On -Busted (Obviously non-existent, so I have to sleep with the light on, according to them.)

7. Which song best represents you?
Starcrossed -Ash (Goodness, I hope not.)

8. Which song describes your sexual preference?
I Can't Tell You Why -Eagles (This is wrong. I can in fact tell you why I don't like girls.)

9. Which song describes what would occur between you and a prostitute?
Now I'm Here -Queen (I guess if it were paid for I don't see why not...)*

10. Your lover on the side?
This Is the Best Day Ever -My Chemical Romance (I guess yes, if I had a lover with me it would be the best day ever.)

11. How about your wife or husband?
Paranoid Android -Radiohead (Wait, excuse me, what? Hmm I will marry a suspicious person.)

12. Which song would be played at your wedding?
Crazy Little Thing Called Love -Queen (Oh my goodness yes, iTunes, you smart thing you. I would definitely play this at my wedding. And if the groom doesn't like Queen, I'll bloody call it off.)

13. Which song would be played at your wedding reception?
Skipping this because it's basically the same question as above.

14. Which song describes yourself in the future?
A Loaded Smile -Adam Lambert (I find this hard to interpret.)

15. Which song describes yourself in the past?
Violet Hill -Coldplay (Ooh, mysterious. Love it.)

16. Which song would be appropriate for a one night stand?
It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish -My Chemical Romance (I will remember you forever, then avenge you when you die.)

17. Which song would best describe your first time kissing?
Higher -Creed (No. Kissing disgusts me.)

18. Your first time having sex?
The Scientist -Coldplay (Meaning it will be terrible. Ugh let's not think about things like this.)

19. Which song would best describe your fashion sense?
Love Lockdown -Boyce Avenue (I don't know.)

20. Which song would describe your taste in the opposite or same sex?
Hotel California -Eagles (acoustic live version) (This song is so amazing this way it can only mean I love dudes who play the guitar impeccably, and stop by in strange hotels in the middle of the night.)

21. Which song best describes your parents?
The Swordfight -The Phantom of the Opera (soundtrack) (Whoa my parents are badass.)

22. Which song best describes your family in general?
Broken -Lifehouse (Bullsh*t.)

23. Which song best describes your friends?
Smooth Criminal -Michael Jackson (Yes, we commit crime together.)

24. Which song best describes your school?
The Point Of No Return -The Phantom of the Opera (Once it's forced you to reach a certain point of insanity, you crack and there's no going back. Pretty accurate.)

25. Which song best describes your public personality?
Won't Go Home Without You -Maroon 5 (Pretty desperate, methinks.)

26. Which song best describes your private personality?
We Are the World 25 for Haiti -Artists for Haiti (I have multiple personality disorder?)

27. The weather outside is...
Don't Know Why -Norah Jones (She waited till she saw the sun, but everything after that is a blur.)

28. I feel like...
Some Kind Of Wonderful -Michael Bublé (That's because I am wonderful.)

29. I would really love to...
Death And All His Friends -Coldplay (I see.)

30. No one can stop me from...
Smoke On The Water -Deep Purple (I doubt anybody would care if I did.)

31. Today I will...
Lost -Michael Bublé (Given my horrid sense of direction, I think so too.)

32. Love is like...
Hips Don't Lie -Shakira (I see.)

33. I would call myself...
The End Has Only Begun -Lifehouse (No I wouldn't.)

34. I've never been to...
Precious Love -James Morrison (Accurate.)

35. If I were a...
The Hardest Button To Button -The White Stripes (If I were the hardest button to button, would anyone still want to button me?)

36. Never forget...
White Shadows -Coldplay (Let's keep that in a permanent state.)

37. No one believes me when...
Bubbly -Colbie Caillat (When I say I'm in love? Not believable at all.)

38. I would never...
Viva La Gloria (Little Girl) -Green Day (Run away and let my life fall into ruin? Sweet.)

39. I could see myself as...
K9's Lament -Chameleon Circuit (A dog?)

40. I'm as fun as...
St. Jimmy -Green Day (True. Let's go get high and wasted.)

41. I wish...
Get Munk-d -Alvin and The Chipmunks (I wish I speak in a squeaky voice?)

42. He will never understand why...
My Father's Eyes -Eric Clapton (Who is he, and what does he want with my father? Gasp.)

43. I'm nearly...
Kenangan Terindah -Samsons (Whoa first Malay song.)

44. I want to see...
No Air -Glee version (Okay I admit, this cover was back when Glee was good. But yeah, perfect vacuum would be a sight, if it's see-able.)

45. At night time...
Defying Gravity -Glee version (Also when Glee was good. Gravity does not necessarily apply in my dreams.)

46. My fashion sense is...
On A Wave -Ash (Very good for water sports.)

47. I cry when...
Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For the Two Of Us -My Chemical Romance (My ego dictates that I shall admire myself whenever I please.)

48. The moon is...
Planetary (Go!) -My Chemical Romance (A planet now.)

49. I get tired when...
You Don't Belong -Daughtry (Then go away.)

50. I lack...
I Wanna Sex You Up -Glee (Oh my goodness. Why do I even have this song?)

51. I'm so absorbing in...
Overture -The Phantom Of The Opera (Alternate realities.)

52. I should be...
Knockin' On Heaven's Door -Guns N' Roses (Perhaps not.)

53. I can't seem to forget...
Kiss Me -New Found Glory (Because it's never happened.)

54. Where in the world is...
I Shot The Sheriff -Eric Clapton (It's like I suddenly decided to confess to a crime right in the middle of looking for something.)

55. I don't want to hear...
Bang The Doldrums -Fall Out Boy

56. Don't give up on...
Ain't Gonna Cry -Bryan Adams (Makes sense.)

57. I should give up on...
The River -Good Charlotte (Give up on environmental concerns? I would never do that.)

58. I want to be...
Lady Starlight -Scorpions (Like a lady.)

59. I like a lot of...
Shipwrecked -Chameleon Circuit (No I don't.)

60. I often think about...
When The Smoke Is Going Down -Scorpions (Yeah, I do.)

61. I don't understand why...
The Remedy (I Won't Worry) -Jason Mraz (Actually I do understand.)

62. Guys are...
Forget You -Cee Lo Green (In fact, if this were the explicit version, guys are... But this is clean.)

63. Girls go to...
Paranoid Android -Radiohead (Girls are hard to understand, if they can be understood at all.)

64. I'm in trouble for...
Bell Bottom Blues -Derek & The Dominos (For having my fashion sense stuck in the 70s.)

65. Candy is for...
Just The Way You Are -Boyce Avenue cover

66. Take me to...
Take Me or Leave Me -Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka cover (Precisely.)

67. All I've ever cared about was...
Rehab -Glee version (Are you sure? Being sober is boring.)

68. Take me away from...
Don't Trust Me -3OH!3 (Trust issues.)

69. The worst possible thing is...
This Is How I Disappear -My Chemical Romance (Disappearing.)

*Just kidding.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Boarding Games 2012

Browsing pictures of today's Boarding Games 2012 on Facebook (because uploading nowadays is that fast) and wondering how on earth I ever brought myself to stick my hand into a bucket of this, which looks and smells close to vomit.

It's in fact, as Wee Thean, Mr Murali and co. claim, really edible 'cause it consists of water, flour, eggs (shells included), tofu, ketchup and pepper. Disgusting.

Anyway, went down to the track with Wai Yin right before 2.15. There was already a crowd hanging around waiting for the games to start. So like, after a short briefing in the hot sun (and now my face is quite sunburnt), we started the best Boarding Games in the four years I've been here.

Got assigned Group 11 under Angela. Knew quite a few people in our group, which was cool.

First station was the dog and bone station, except with a ridiculously nerdy twist. Had to solve the math questions they called out for our numbers. The first question was "The square root of the number of the bus you can take to Clementi from the back gate" or something (which was 14). Adrian Peh was smart enough to count and number the prime numbers before we started. Bet three sticks and won, so we earned three to add to our original fifteen.

Second station was this station where you had to pass floury ping pong balls with plastic spoons and water with plastic cups placed on your head. Bet two sticks. Totally owned it because we filled the bottle with water before time ran out, so they had to stop it early and declare us winners.

Third station was the really disgusting station, where you had to fish little laminated puzzle pieces out of a bucket of that gunk I described earlier on, then three-legged race across over to a table where you had to put the puzzles together (there were two). Mr Murali added loads of pepper to our bucket because I apparently "insulted" it, and buckets of revolting gunk apparently have feelings and all. It's a horrible sensation, feeling around in that stuff. Ugh. Anyway, bet three sticks because according to Yu Fong, it's all in or nothing (really good philosophy in this case) and owned again.

Fourth station was hurling water balloons over string in a sort of volleyball setup. Not much to say, but we owned it again by a point (so close). By then we were on a total roll. The other groups didn't stand a chance against us.

Fifth station was Captain's Ball with water balloons instead of a ball. Kept bursting, and was a huge mess. Ended up in a tie, so nobody won anything. But almost everyone got drenched. Awesome stuff.

Sixth station was some sort of human foosball thing, so we stood in lines and kicked a ball to and fro for a while. Lost, but that was okay.

The last station was the best, 'cause it was an obstacle course with spinning in circles, hula hooping, sliding across a soapy mat, crawling underneath poles between chairs, and running zigzag. Awesome stuff.

And then the accidents started. Hafiy slipped too fast and hit his head really badly. I think he's got some kind of concussion, because he blanked out for a moment and went all nauseous. Poor thing. Then we found out Kelvin was bleeding from an eye at another station around the same time. Was just a cut though, so no vision lost.

To add to the injuries, Fatin (junior) got whacked in the eye, and Fatinn somehow had a long scratch across her arm, and Victor's toe started bleeding. Like, whoa.

According to my roommate (who was on first aid duty), a whole load of people got injured today. Just goes to show we're a suicidal, violent batch.

In the end, Group 11 won second place with 23 sticks. Yeah, go us. Earned a hamper full of food and we rejoiced. Yeahey, go us.

So yes, best Boarding Games so far.

Kudos to all organisers and helpers.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Woke up at 7.30 in the morning on a Saturday, which was an amazing feat I achieved today.

Struggled to keep my eyes open, and then when I finally did went down to the media resource room (the sort of meeting room for all the exchange programme people since the beginning of time) for breakfast (McDonald's delivery). Lack of exercise plus the amount we've been eating this week is going to kill my weight loss regime (yes, I care about how fat I am). Goodness.

Got dropped off at the Botanic Gardens (haven't been there in more than a year, actually), and then had three hours to simply walk around and enjoy nature and how Singapore has managed to maintain a spot of clean, green-ness with pretty plants and all.

And so walk around we did. Had the company of Emily, and a few of the exchange students along with two teachers. Sort of split up though.

Watched people walk their dogs (and their babies, too), jog, and do tai chi, which seems to be very 'in' right now. I love how so many dog owners care about their dogs and take them out for little walks and how the dogs are such obedient little things. And one thing about some people who were doing tai chi was that they looked so ticked off doing it. I thought practicing tai chi was supposed to help you train physical fitness and find inner peace or something like that.

Went to Vivo afterwards. Had lunch, then walked around. Dislike shopping. Was kinda disappointed 'cause Fox is sexist, and only has Spiderman t-shirts for men and little boys. Stupid sexist Fox. Girls like Spiderman too, okay? I really do like Spiderman. Why do you deprive me of declaring my fandom on an article of clothing I would wear in public? Why? It hurts, man.

Spent most of my time in Page One with Aisyah (the Year 6 one). Browsed for books 'cause I have that voucher Faiz gave me for my birthday last year. They have a clearance sale 'cause the outlet's closing on Thursday, and everything was like, 70% off (30% for non-book items and stuff) and the place was epic crowded and the shelves were epic empty. In the end we left book-less because the estimated queuing time was three hours. Three hours. That's insane.

Had dinner at Seoul Garden Hotpot. Korean food. It's an acquired taste.

Music room-ed when we got back.


Okay, going off now. Loads of work.


Friday, February 17, 2012

42 SAR

Totally on Tumblr right now, scrolling through the Aragorn tag because I need a dose of LotR manliness once in a while. Mm yeah, Aragorn.

It's funny how you form the image of a perfect man in your mind off a movie you first saw as a child. Expectations set too high, I think.

Anyway, haven't been posting lately because I've been simply exhausted, and off doing other things.

Went on a field trip to the 42 SAR camp on Wednesday, which meant class was cancelled for the day (would've been more worth it if it was a full day of class, but we only have an hour of Math on Wednesdays). Also meant I didn't stay for "lesson observation" with the Bruneian exchange people.

It was totally awesome though. Highlights included us learning how to handshake like a man (firm grip, pump once, let go with a keen, confident expression), putting on camouflage (or watching other people do it), climbing all over tanks, cocking guns (arms totally ached the next day), eating army food, and riding in a tank (twice, which was the most awesome thing, since Jia Hong and Deborah begged the army personnel).

Sometimes you only get the opportunity to do things once in your life, so seize it. I don't think I'll ever be able to joyride in a tank again, so let's savour that moment.

And even though we didn't really do anything except stand around and listen and stuff, most of us fell asleep in the bus on the way back. Whoa, tiring.

Thursday was horrible, because I know I'm going to do not-so-well for our Chem quiz, and I know for sure I'm going to fail our Physics in-class (even though we manly handshake-d to promise not to). I'm only going to get one mark out of fifteen for drawing in the current direction. That is so sad. I feel so retarded. Probably because I was mentally prepared to do badly.

Attitude is altitude, after all.

No more, no more.

Went to Jurong Bird Park (my first time, whoa) after Physics. Had to take a bus to NUS to catch up with the exchange group and didn't get lost because Nguyen was coincidentally on the same bus and helped me out. Thank goodness.

Mm birds. I'd love to be a falconer. So amazingly badass.

Dinner-ed at Swensen's in IMM. Embarrassed ourselves by singing the birthday song really loudly for Adithya (who was hosting the French contingent). Fun.

School today was okay. Going to fail today's essay test though, because I had never felt that horribly incoherent in a long time. Just rambled endlessly on about God-knows-what. Lord help me. It's going to be a terrible grade.

Next time fingers crossed I will own it. Just not today. Just not today.

Got our Math test back though. Did reasonably well, so I'm glad.

CCA was okay, too. Let the groups carry on with storyboarding and filming. Not sure how we're supposed to teach editing, but we'll worry about that later once footage has been acquired.

Feel so proud as chairman. Need to command the respect I deserve, though. Sometimes I think we're being too nice as exco (and the teachers tell me, too. Somehow people find it hard respecting me).

Okay, going off now. Need to wake up school time tomorrow.


P.S. Feeling quite very relieved this week is nearly over. Goodness.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


One more.

The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: Someday
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: This means I won't get anything really done.

Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: Love Is Hard
Artist: James Morrison
Comment: Pretty true. Except I'll replace "hard" with "non-existent".

Your message to the world:
Song: Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)
Artist: Muse
Comment: Let's not be afraid to do things a little weird.

Your deepest secret:
Song: Machine Gun
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Comment: Cool.

Your innermost desire:
Song: Dream On
Artist: Aerosmith
Comment: Yes, let's do that.

Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Talk
Artist: Coldplay
Comment: Communication is essential in marriage.

On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Eleven
Artist: Chameleon Circuit
Comment: I'll be the next Doctor reincarnation. Whoo.

Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Mylo Xyloto
Artist: Coldplay
Comment: This song has no lyrics.

You say behind your friends' back:
Song: The Letter
Artist: James Morrison
Comment: No sense.

When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: This Is How I Disappear
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comment: Yeahey, I'm a freaking ninja.

If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Song: Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Artist: Muse
Comment: Oh goodness. Lonely and delusional.

Right now, your feelings are:
Song: Perfectly Lonely
Artist: John Mayer
Comment: Yeah, pretty much very accurate here.

What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: Apologize
Artist: OneRepublic
Comment: I need to learn how to think up excuses before saying sorry.

Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Made For You
Artist: OneRepublic
Comment: Hmm.

The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Artist: Eric Clapton (man, the Guns N' Roses version is so much nicer)
Comment: Are. You. Kidding. Me. Foreveralone much?

You scream during sex:
Song: These Hard Times
Artist: Matchbox Twenty
Comment: No comment.

What do people assume when they first look at you?
Track: Everybody Loves Me
Artist: OneRepublic
Comment: And it's true, too.

What will be a big challenge in life for you?
Track: Undiscovered
Artist: James Morrison
Comment: I think so too.

Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife?
Song: Feels Like Tonight
Artist: Daughtry
Comment: Okay.

Do you have a secret admirer?
Song: Halfway Gone
Artist: Lifehouse
Comment: Apparently not.

Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?
Song: Clocks
Artist: Olaf Sickmann (really nice fingerstyle Coldplay rendition)
Comment: Probably yes.

How will you die?
Song: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Artist: Aerosmith
Comment: Probably from lack of sleep being overly obsessed with something.

Is someone trying to kill you?
Song: I'm Your Man
Artist: Michael Bublé
Comment: It's official. A hitman's after me.

What's for dinner tonight?
Song: Golden
Artist: Fall Out Boy
Comment: Yum.

Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Scherzo No.1 in B minor, Op.20
Artist: Chopin
Comment: I like Chopin.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I believe one can tell a lot about a person from the type of music he/she listens to. Hence I stole these from the Internet.

How does the world see you?
To The End -My Chemical Romance (Yes, they will remember me to the end.)

Will I have a happy life?
Bring It On -Alvin and The Chipmunks (Well, yeah, bring it on.)

What do my friends really think of me?
The Phantom of the Opera Overture -Andrew Lloyd Webber (Oh my goodness, they think I'm awesome, because this overture is simply love.)

Do people secretly lust after me?
Buffalo Soldier -Bob Marley & the Wailers (Oh this is brilliant.)

How can I make myself happy?
We Are Family -Alvin and The Chipmunks (Just like that.)

What should I do with my life?
Change The World -Eric Clapton (Oh my goodness, how could anything be more appropriate? I'm taking this as a sign, man.)

Will I ever have children?
Taking Chances -Glee version (Hm maybe I will.)

What is some good advice for me?
Owner Of A Lonely Heart -Yes (That being an owner of a lonely heart is much better than being an owner of a broken heart. Sounds pretty sound to me. Maybe I shall be single forever.)

How will I be remembered?
I'm Yours -The Script (Does not make sense whatsoever.)

What is my signature dancing song?
Electrical Storm -U2 (It's not much for dancing, but I love this song.)

What do I think my current theme song is?
Death Will Never Conquer -Coldplay (Interesting.)

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Still Not Ginger -Chameleon Circuit (Quite obvious.)

What song will play at my funeral?
To Be A Master -Pokémon Theme (Oh my goodness, yes. Most epic funeral ever.)

What type of men/women do you like?
The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore -James Morrison (What does this mean? I'm not supposed to like people? I like people who're incompatible with me? What?)

What is my day going to be like?
The Last Resort -Eagles (Hmm.)

By the way, come sign this petition please. The Amazon and its people need you.


Listening to U2 now, because Ms Dass told me I have good taste when I yelled "Bono is a god" during English today.

I don't understand why some people think it's uncool to listen to "old songs" and be "out of date" with new ones. Well, to be honest with you (I'm always honest, so that was kind of redundant), I think it is, in fact, so much cooler to know what quality in music is. New ones? The ones that all sound the same and are written with minimal talent and filled in with mindless, computer-generated beats? Why would I want to listen to such complete sh*t when I know where the quality lies?

Anyway, I think U2 is amazing. I didn't grow up all music-less, and then having to discover it all on my own through the influence of also inexperienced peers. Thank goodness I didn't become some screaming Justin Bieber fangirl or an extreme lover of empty mainstream pop. Good Lord.

Like how my parents totally influenced my taste in music, I think I'll make sure my kids don't listen to sh*t, too. I think succeeding as a parent, for me, is to have my kids love the music I love, and to have my kids love reading as much as I do. I want them to be able to thoroughly enjoy listening to the songs I used to listen to, and curl up with a good book on a rainy day and simply become absorbed in whole new worlds. I want them to be able to think and know and not be shallow and see good things in everyone and everything. I want them to be loveable and intelligent and kind and happy. I want them to not be materialistic and find joy in the simple things in life. I want them to love the world and what it has to offer.

For that, I love my parents for making me who I am. They used to read to me all the time as a kid, and when I could do it on my own, they bought me all the books I wanted. They exposed me to beautiful music, and when I wanted to play the guitar, they sent me for lessons. They supported me and loved me and didn't tell me I was a complete idiot even when I look back and realise I totally was.

One thing I'm afraid of is failing as a parent (because I will totally have kids. Even if I never get married, I'll adopt, or something). But that's a long time from now.

Bruneian exchange students arrived yesterday, and it was pretty weird, since it was like a piece of home suddenly decided to visit. Like, whoa. It also made it kinda hard to start conversations, since we totally knew what their country's like, and stuff.

But they're nice.

Went to Bugis after fetching them from the airport (skipped half of Mol Gen) and some ice-breaking. Watched people shop, then had dinner.

Then went to Science Centre today, followed by the National Museum of Singapore, followed by dinner at Sakura. The Bruneian exchange students made friends with the French exchange students ('cause the exchange groups overlapped), which was great for everyone 'cause then we had more things to talk about. Cultural exchange bonus.

Watched this documentary called 'Born To Be Wild' at Science Centre. It was so sweet. Goodness. So simple yet so touching. I love how individuals can have such a significant impact on the world. It's beautiful. And then there are people like me who just like, sit there all useless waiting to grow old and die still useless. Terrible. Need to do something with my life.

Okay, tired. Need to do things.


P.S. Baby orangutans have the sweetest eyes.

P.P.S. Parting scenes remind me of this scene from this movie I used to watch when I was little.

P.P.P.S. Mr Ku is awesome. He was like, "If you sing me a love song I'll let you off," so we sang "I Love You, You Love Me" and he let us off half an hour early. So awesome.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Nothing really eventful to post about, so I'm just going to copy and paste this thing I saw off Tumblr.

iTunes Challenge (which isn't like, challenging at all)

How many total songs?

Sort by song title – first and last?
First: According To Plan (Danny Elfman, Corpse Bride soundtrack)
Last: 1979 (Good Charlotte)

Sort by time – shortest and longest?
Shortest: Foreword (Linkin Park, Meteora)
Longest: Darkside Lightside (Ash)

Sort by Album – first and last?
First: A-Z Vol.1
Last: 90125

Sort by Artist – first and last?
First: 30 Seconds To Mars
Last: AC/DC

Top five played songs?
Everything (Michael Bublé)
Wonderwall (Oasis)
One Last Breath (Creed)
Inconsolable (Backstreet Boys)
I Want It That Way (Backstreet Boys)

Find the following words. How many songs show up?
Sex: 7
Death: 26
Love: 85
You: 204
Home: 10
Boy: 53
Girl: 16

Roll call in a while. Spent all day with Chem and napping, so now I finally understand pretty much many things and I feel as if I have enough sleep.

Went out to the High Comm yesterday for this meeting we have sometimes. Had lunch, then talked about a few things, then came back.

It's funny how a lot of us get carsick when we get in the van that drives us there. It's horrible.

Okay, going off now. Roll call now.

Going to be a hell busy week.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Currently playing this game online, not because I'm slacking or putting of much-needed schoolwork, but because I want to kill two birds with one stone (not literally, of course). has been around for years. I remember playing it even before I came here, and there was this huge hype about it because the site (set up by the United Nations World Food Programme) donates ten grains of rice for every answer you answer correctly. So yes, while you get to learn things, you also help combat world hunger in your own little way.

Yeah, English today really got to me. Talked about poverty, and it was painful. Goodness, we are all committing the sin of omission. It's like the bystander effect, where witnesses of an incident all think someone else is going to get help or do something, so they just stand by to watch. We are not very proactive people, are we?

But the sin of omission is scarier. We think it's none of our business, so we just go about our own lives thinking of nothing much but ourselves. We think all this other stuff, all these crises and these issues can resolve themselves, or should be left up to "those guys up there". Yeah, we probably wouldn't be able to match the power, wealth and influence of some major organisation, so we just do nothing.

I want to stop doing nothing. Let's all stop doing nothing. I mean, we're not poor people. You who reads this post are not so terribly poor. We are rich because we are born fortunate. We are fed, clothed and educated and loved and cared for. But what if? What if?

I hate me sometimes.

Okay, besides that, Math was good, CCA was great. Talked too much but I don't think I was that boring today. Continuing next week.

Good night.

P.S. I've just realised that school internet connection makes completely ineffective 'cause it blocks the ads that pay for the rice we earn.

P.P.S. Where on earth do lost socks go?

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Listening to some Oasis right now, thinking about the past. When I used to sit in the study blasting songs from my iPod on speakers and mindlessly surf the net while not having to worry so much about the amount of work that is due, because work then was easy and didn't need much thinking and school didn't need that much studying for. Those were the days.

Now I sit here in my room with headphones on, listening to the same songs I did, still mindlessly surfing the net, but worrying so much more about work and things. But hey, it's a Friday tomorrow, and I like Fridays, because there's only Math and English to worry about, and because there's CCA and I absolutely adore CCA sessions.

Was watching trailers and planning for tomorrow's session (going to attempt a semi-workshop thing for the newcomers, which I hope will turn out awesome), then Nikki called and asked me to check my mail. And then I sort of exploded (well not literally, but somewhat).

I will never, ever disregard Mr Valles' emails ever again. I checked my mail after I got back from school, and simply skimmed through all the emails and missed out an important thing. Garth Nix is giving a talk in my school. In. My. School. Garth. Nix. Garth freaking Nix.

Oh my God.

Limited places and first come first serve, but oh God I really really need to meet him in person. He wrote the Abhorsen trilogy, just in case you didn't know, along with a few other series I've been wanting to read but never got 'round to. Oh goodness. This is amazing. All those people who write the books you love seem so far off, but the prospect of meeting Garth Nix kind of blew my mind.

I think authors of good books are amazing people. Because they keep inside of them worlds so different, and stories so detailed they seem true. And that they're able to put all these ideas, these characters and entire universes on paper and make us believe in them is just incredible.

Please oh please oh please it would be so awesome if we could meet him (worse comes to worst we'll just hang outside the Media Resource room creepily when he's delivering the lecture).

Chem today was okay. Will be quizzed next Thursday (so doomed), and assignment due Monday. Beautiful.

Physio was fun. Nodded off a bit during the first quarter of the lesson, but then things got a bit better when Mr Seoh started giving out sweets (yeah I'm cheap). But I sit in a corner now so nobody really notices me (which is good because I can nod off in peace). Also was introduced to this ridiculously lame song about neurons, written to the tune of 'I Believe I Can Fly'. Oh goodness, how could they have come up with something like that?

But I don't care what they say about the tedium and the having to know many things. I like Bio.

I like Physics, too, which is pretty crazy since I'm probably going to be the first person in the history of the school to flunk circuitry. Lab was supposed to be a short one this time, since we only had one circuit to connect and there were really few questions, but took up all the time because we're incapable and inexperienced like that. And to think we'd have picked up some things during the previous two practical sessions. Oh well.

But there's something immensely satisfying about having successfully connected a circuit and obtaining all the correct values. It's beautiful, even. It's a beautiful moment when the numbers stop flashing (or fail to show up) and give you something good. It's like what Dr Frankenstein must have felt when his monster came to life.

Anyway, have an in-class assignment and a practice lab next week, which means we get to fail twice (hooray). And in addition to our Chem quiz, we get to fail three times. Brilliant.

Did 6 rounds during PE. Really, really slowly.

Okay, tired and going off now.


P.S. I am so grateful for the existence of weekends.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Social experimentation.

Wifi is still available in my room, and for that I am ever thankful. Honestly, if you don't learn to be happy about the little things in life, you'll hardly ever be happy.

I'm so easily satisfied it scares me sometimes.

No, I must want more. Must need more. Must do more.

Anyway, didn't post yesterday because I was so busy procrastinating.

Didn't really do much in the day. Just had an hour and a half of Math and an hour and a half of English, where we talked about ethics.

Ethics. Goodness, where do I start? Ms Dass showed us a clip of that scene in The Dark Knight where Joker traps a bunch of people in two ferries and makes them try to blow each other up in an epic battle of will and morality. Such decisions are hard to make, and we should never have to consider them until we're faced with them, because whatever unless we have nerves of steel (which would, actually, probably conduct signals better and would then be worse for you because you would be more sensitive to pain) and an iron will (what is it with metal and phrases like these), you'd be all words anyway.

We're all hypocrites.

Remember that scene, in Captain America (the recent movie) where Steve Rogers throws himself over a hand grenade so selflessly? That is what real heroes are made of. Just because we say things and claim we believe in certain things doesn't make us good people. But when we start going out of our way to do selfless things without having to think twice, humanity may have hope after all.

Had our Math test today, and I must say I really, really dislike MCQs in Math. Like, goodness, it's either you're wrong or you're right and that's terrible. Let's not talk about it.

Played pool, and lost too many games for my liking. Then went for ACE and we talked about "restoring relationships" and it was just an hour of sharing stories and that was it.

Almost everyone fell asleep during the research congress briefing (it didn't apply to a lot of Year 5s, anyway) so like, skip that.

Kimi's back in F1 and topped the charts during yesterday's practice session, and I am so glad. Sometimes when a driver returns to F1 you don't know what to expect and you worry so much people will diss him and say he deserves to stay away. But I am immensely proud of our Iceman for making such a brilliant comeback. And in a Lotus, too.

Oh, and Schumi topped the charts today, so totally an added bonus. The competitive cars aren't really up there yet, 'cause they're still taking it slow and steady and making teeny adjustments here and there.

Seen the F2012, and it really isn't the prettiest thing on track. In fact, it looks very much like an ugly stepsister. Quite disappointed, but we can't all be terribly superficial. As long as the car's in competitive form this season, who are we to complain? Alonso's a brilliant driver and so is Massa (except when he turns temperamental South American). I have faith in them.

So, so excited for the coming F1 season. I think F1 gives me a sort of purpose in life, every weekend. I still adore it.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. Is it sad that I'm already dreading PE tomorrow? I'm a horrible person.

Monday, February 06, 2012


Just finished Math assignment 2, since it's due tomorrow. Got it six days ago and finished 4/5 questions on the day itself since it wasn't hard at all (given it's a Math assignments and they used to do that thing to me where I'd feel stupid for a while). But I'm so addicted to doing things last minute I left the last question out for fun. Yay.

Oh, talk about self-esteem boost. I don't feel so stupid with this Math module. Hooray.

Sunday yesterday, but didn't post because I was almost dying of a terrible stomachache. It's like my entire digestive system was trying to turn itself inside out (thankfully it didn't though). I don't want to talk about disgusting things, but man, I hope that never happens again. Wasted so much bloody time on the toilet.

Super thankful I'm feeling so much better today. Lasted through class, then was dying because I was so hungry yet didn't dare eat anything in case of a relapse. Ugh.

Anyway, played pool yesterday with KT, Adithya and Kelvin, then went out for lunch at Thai Express (like, again). It's turning into a routine. I love lazy Sundays.

I honestly need to go and read up on Chem, because sometimes I honestly have no idea what Mrs Chong is talking about. I'm a terrible student, I know. Been procrastinating like, well, a procrastinator.

Mol gen followed Chem, so then we spent the half hour break in between re-memorising that table we have. These quizzes are getting more and more ridiculous. It's just pure memory. This stuff will probably come in handy during exams or something, but for now it's become routine for us to memorise things week after week.

Korean teacher is kinda growing on us. I mean, we used to complain, but now it's fine. At least for me, that is. Sometimes I think I like mol gen better than physio.

Assembly-ed afterwards. Managed to wake up in time and head down to the hall to catch our first 'Aesthetic Appreciation Programme' thing of the school year. String quartet was amazing. I swear, biceps look good when you play the violin. It's because you inevitably have to like, flex in order to bow.

Awesome stuff.

All right, going off now.

Good night.

P.S. Is it shameful to say that I don't dare continue with 'The Hounds of Baskerville' because it scares me? I'm ashamed. I don't deserve to watch Sherlock.

P.P.S. Everyone's like, "Oh, CNY's over," but for us here it ended right when we left home. So don't go and say it was too short if you've had the full fifteen days. Tsk.

Saturday, February 04, 2012


Feeling quite sick right now, because I am back from seeing the most nauseating film I've ever seen. Probably worsened by the fact that we were sitting in the front row and had to crane our necks in addition to having the screen shoved crudely in our faces. Ugh.

Spent most of my day in my room (woke up at like, eleven) and watched random videos around the net and read a few issues of Ultimate Spiderman and then watched a few minutes of Sherlock before Adithya texted and asked if anyone wanted to go out to watch 'The Descendants'.

So then we set out with Wee Thean, and then ended up watching 'Chronicle' instead, because we got to Vivo late and missed the first fifteen minutes of the other movie.

I don't really know what to say about it. I'm sure if I wasn't so bent on willing the headache and dizziness away, I'd have appreciated the concept of using character-filmed footage and the inner turmoil and the eventual evil and slight disturbing-ness. Was pretty interesting, actually, but bad idea for people who suffer from motion-sickness. I imagine editing the movie must've been hell.

Maybe it's just us, but the shaking and the spinning totally ruined the movie experience. Oh Lord. Perhaps it was part and parcel, but no. Never again. Next time I'll take motion-sickness pills with me to the theatre.

School yesterday was quite ordinary. Talked about opinions and perspectives during English. Ms Dass is so brutally blunt. Then had Math (which I adore, because it's so slack and lovely and held in an air-conditioned classroom).

Was released early, so finished our Physics pracs before going off for lunch. Pool-ed for a while, then went to meet up with Ash to discuss things. Haven't seen him since our CCA fair last month. Goodness, I still kind of miss the Year 6s in Media last year.

Anyway, Ash did some amazing animating and stuff over the past month, so then we sat for an hour or so and bounced ideas to and fro. I feel really bad because I know nothing of many things and am hence unable to help. Will find some way to get my hands on After Effects though.

Had pizza first thing during CCA, which made us probably the first CCA in history to have our welcome party dinner before the session actually began.

Faced a few technical difficulties, but then we totally solved it by moving into the 502 classroom and screened our short films there. Pin and Jia Min had pretty awesome videos, then I had to spoil all the art and loveliness by showing them incredibly lame ones. Whoops.

Discussed, but then not really discussed. The real work starts next week. I have pretty much the whole term planned out, so if things go smoothly it'll be a great and productive term.

Okay, I'm going off now. Need to somehow get rid of the nausea.


P.S. This totally made my night last night. Awesomest thing I've seen in a while. Go Disney nostalgia.

P.P.S. When you realise those movies from your childhood were released an odd twenty/thirty years ago, you suddenly realise that you are old. Oh no.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Captain's ball.

Just ended the intercluster captain's ball game, and 3A managed to clinch second and third place with our two teams (so proud of us, even though I didn't play because I'm terrible).

Congratulations to 2B and 12A for winning girl's and guy's divisions respectively. Awesome stuff, really.

It's funny how enthusiastic everyone was about the game. Usually I don't give a damn at all about intercluster games, because I'm awful at sports (ball games, really) and because I'm usually not that close with anyone in my cluster. But this year I think, things could be really different. I'm sure my cluster would want to win overall. Competitive folk.

Anyway, good games. Totally worth it. Now I have to finish up two Physics practicals due tomorrow and it's already late because I procrastinate so much.

Thursday today (besides the obvious), so like, had all three Sciences and PE afterwards.

Hour of Chem was tolerable, but it doesn't help that Nat keeps falling asleep (sitting next to him now because of new seating arrangement). Quite glad I wasn't as clueless as I thought I'd be. Will definitely work on it before next lesson, though, lest I die.

Physio quiz-ed, which was quite manageable. I like to keep my expectations low so I don't feel that bad when I get my results back, so it should be quite okay this time. I'm just quite disappointed at myself because I labelled 'synaptic terminals' wrongly. Please oh please let my understanding of the concepts be correct. Oh well. Sometimes I feel like I'm not worthy of calling myself a Bio student.

Had another practical during Physics. I really do enjoy Physics pracs, I do. Spent an hour and a half talking about complete rubbish things with Brendan, Galen and Jia Hong (because we shared a table) while trying to connect circuits in vain. Here's a picture. It looks like a huge mess, but it worked because I am the miracle-worker I am. Sometimes you honestly don't know what's wrong; you stare and reconnect and stare and reconnect but it still doesn't work and it's horribly frustrating. But apart from that, circuitry is really quite enjoyable once you get it right.

Rained, so had PE in the hall. Ran non-stop (albeit slowly) for twelve minutes. Paced myself with Aisyah. Thank goodness for her. It's easier to run pacing with someone. Still pretty doomed for 2.4 though. I have no love for running.

Okay, tired.

Going off now.


P.S. Hooray, wifi's still here and the weekend draws near.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Been wanting to post since I got back from school today, because- wait for it- there is now wifi connection in my room.

Oh goodness.

Woke up this morning and switched on my laptop (because I'm such an Internet addict it's what gives me my kick early in the morning. Some people use caffeine, but the Internet is the way to go for me) and suddenly, poof, the prompt appeared asking me to log into school wifi because I didn't turn it off from last night.

So, so happy. How could I not? This means no more sitting in the pantry to type out posts and use the Twitter site amongst other things. This is amazing. I can sit here in the comfort of my own room and like, do things. Feels good.

Had our Math GCT today. Wasn't too shabby, thankfully. It's just going to make us complacent and now we're all doomed for exams because we think everything will be as easy as what they've given us so far. Quite scary. The Math department is probably secretly evil and plotting our downfall as I speak.

Did Tutorial 2, then got released. Went with Aisyah to the Games room (like, again. We seem to be doing this every Wednesday now) and played pool. Really badly (for me, at least. So shameful).

ACE was all about respect, but we didn't really talk much about it and instead finished watching Dead Poets Society and then changed our seating arrangement (because the plan is to do it every month) with that random name picker Mrs Lim showed us (one of the most useful things us Geog students have learnt in two years). I sit in a corner at the back now, where no teacher can see me (which is bad, because then I might really fall asleep now).

Then stayed back for a while to do up our class noticeboard (and now it looks quite awesome). Haven't finished yet, but I bet we're the only class ever to rip up English essay presentation paragraphs and use the scraps in a collage. Yeah go us.

Class pride has always been there, but sometimes I still find myself missing 405 and all our teachers and the old classes we used to take. But oh well, we move on. Hardly spend time with a lot of people anyway, because we split into honours/majors during Math, olympiad/no olympiad during Chem, NS group/non-NS group during PE, and more than a quarter of the class leaves during Bio while a lot of us don't take Mother Tongue lessons anymore. The only classes we actually have as a class are Physics and English.

Went out for lunch at the Subway in WCP (at half past two in the afternoon) with Wai Yin and Nicole. Came back, slept, then had dinner, an amazingly short boarding assembly (only half an hour, which is a record, I swear) and that pretty much summed up my night.

Okay, going off now.

Physio quiz tomorrow.


P.S. I've only read two books this month. Better than any other school month as of late, but still.

P.P.S. Oh goodness I love Sherlock. The geniuses at BBC need a pat on the back.