Missed two hours of Chem and half of Mol Gen on Monday, but it was totally worth it. Went to the airport to send the exchange people off. Last time in the bus together, last time eating together (breakfasted at Mac's and made lame jokes), last time taking photos together. And there were plenty of tears, too. Those who didn't cry felt pretty heartless, but like, we couldn't deny we felt so down afterwards. Heck. Didn't think I'd miss them that much, but I do.
And now the UK exchange people have taken over the media resource room. Every time I look in I feel a pang of longing for the hectic week that's passed and the people we've made friends with. So sad.
It's crazy how fast it passed. Must learn to appreciate the moment and carpe diem my way through life.
Slept away my sorrows (and fatigue) all afternoon on Monday, which meant I hardly got work done. I've fallen into this terrible habit of napping all my time away. I sort of feel perpetually tired. How is that even possible?
Tuesday was research congress day, so those who weren't involved (myself included) could kind of slack our way through it. Had to go for flag raising normal school time though, which was a bummer. And then ended up doing video duty, so just kinda hung around the control room and audi until the event started. I've missed filming events, actually. Even though we had to stand for more than two hours straight with minimal fidgeting, I quite enjoyed it. And if I were sitting in the audience, I'd have fallen asleep and missed out on it ('cause some of the presentations were pretty interesting and worthy of attention).
Walked around the hall for a while with Aisyah to look at posters and say hi to friends who were presenting that day. Felt so dumb because I found I couldn't understand a thing, and everything on the posters was all complete gibberish only smart people could comprehend. Terrible feeling, that.
So afraid of ARP now. Going to be the first person to flunk it, or something. Urgh.
Attempted to write article reviews for English yesterday afternoon, but totally failed and ended up with one 80% done (thankfully Ms Dass extended the deadline to Monday instead). So many things due, so little time. Stupid me.
And since I need a life, I also updated myself with How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory over the past week. HIMYM just gave me emotions, man. Oh the feelings. I really, really hope Barney and Robin end up together. I love how it's supposed to be a comedy, yet we become so emotionally attached to all our characters. I ship them so bad.
And today's Tuesday too, 'cause we had a timetable swap. Oh the complications.
Mentoring, Math, then English. Did tutorial 3 during Math. Have an assignment due Friday, but I haven't touched that yet. Goodness. Feel so clueless.
Talked about the environment during English. Everybody is a hypocrite. Let us all shut up and do things.
Went to the majlis doa kesyukuran today at the High Comm, 'cause Brunei's national day is tomorrow.
Mm, good food. Warming up for tomorrow's buffet (we're so greedy it's quite disgusting sometimes. But then again we live with hostel food, so it's excused).
No school tomorrow either, so we can at least feel like the other Bruneians. Hooray for e-learning.
Good night.
P.S. I love late night pantry discussions.
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