I'm like, halfway through now, and I sort of don't want it to end, because it is that good. I love how Moriarty is so smooth and sure of himself. That is a top class villain, man. All top class villains are cool, detached sociopaths.
Spent my weekend writing article reviews for English. Seems as if I can't write full, coherent sentences in one go. It's horrible. My ability to be coherent seems to be fading to a mindless babble of random, ephemeral thoughts. Which means I will probably most definitely do terribly in English this year.
Finally finished quite late last night, because I honestly did spend two whole days just sitting at my computer being completely antisocial and begging myself to finish my work. I don't remember doing anything else, really.
Also tried to get some cash over at WCP, but the ATM wasn't working, so now I'm quite cashless at the moment. Will have to either starve, or start borrowing money.
Woke up relatively earlier today 'cause I had to pass Eliot a camera his group is borrowing for their trailer project. And since I hardly wake up before seven nowadays, I thought it was totally normal for the sky to be that dark. Turns out I was wrong, 'cause it started raining soon after. Haven't had rainy school mornings in what seems like a forever, so it was a fresh start. I love starting school days with a little bit of rain and thunder. Makes me feel all refreshed and ready to start the day.
I really love rain.
Classroom flooded, but that was the least of our problems because none of our classes were actually held in our classroom today (except, of course, Math Honours, but I don't take that).
Went up to the synthetic lab for our first Chem prac of the school year. Grouped with Jia Hong and Deborah, and totally owned it 'cause we ended up only using eight test tubes of the thirteen allowed for our distinguishing tests. But then Mrs Chong made us fill in a few more rows just for the sake of it.
Felt pretty cool 'cause we also got to wear our lab coats (officially) for the first time. Everyone looked all professional. So that's what lab coats do to you. No wonder doctors wear them.
Spent our half an hour break studying for our weekly Mol Gen quiz. Ugh, going to do worse than most of the class (because I hardly studied, and I deserve it, and most of the class is probably going to score full marks because our quizzes are based on plain memorising). But as long as I pass, it doesn't really matter.
Turns out we had another prac that day, so we went up (once again) to the life science lab. Dr Ahn wasn't there, so we had Dr Tang administer the quiz and brief us and stuff. I like him.
Paired up with Jia Hong (again), and we had the prac in two parts. First part was trying to obtain some E. coli DNA for future pracs, then the second part was some strange thing I still don't understand. We learnt that it's really hard working with ridiculously insignificant amounts of liquids. 0.2µl is a complete chore to transfer, because you don't know when it leaves the micropipette tip because you can't see it.
Then went for a house meeting (didn't really do anything), then cleaned my room, then had dinner, and then that was it.
Back to Sherlock now.
P.S. Thankfully didn't blow anything up today. Go us.
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