Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"Every chance that you get is a chance that you seize," -Coldplay

Questions, questions, questions. I've got a few on my mind right now, for example:

'What should I write for this post?'

'When are the PMB results coming out?'

'Will I be able to finish this post in time for The Simpsons?'

'What if the sky's "smiley face" last night foresees something?'

'Do aliens really exist?'

'Does the meaning of life really lie in "Bart Simpson's Guide to Life: A Wee Handbook for the Perplexed"?'

'If so, what is the meaning of life?'

and ultimately,

'What's for dinner?'

But life's mysteries aside, I haven't played CIV for two days due to a certain thing called books. Yes, it sounds familiar, doesn't it? Addictive little things, them.

Maybe I will return to ruling my fictional country, maybe I won't. 

We'll see.

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