Sunday, December 21, 2008

Little dough ball day.

I went out with my dad this evening to buy satay for dinner, and I think I saw my bus driver. There is no way I could've mistaken his janggut yang sangat-sangat besarrr dan berwarna-warni.

I never thought I'd see him again.

So, the 3R party. 

A lot happened that day, and the day after that, so I didn't have the chance to write about it. 

Anyway, the party. It was filled with stupid party games, pink fizzy drinks and corny music. A few people won a few prizes and I pretty much had a great time. I would upload pictures, but meh, the internet lags enough now. Maybe later. Or tomorrow.

Baoxin just asked me if I knew what day today is. "Little dough ball day?" I said. 
To which she replied, "Ah?"

Today's the day in the Chinese calendar where everyone turns a year older (sorta like officially, says my grandma) and they eat these little dough balls in syrupy stuff in accordance to their age (for example, I have to eat fifteen because I'm fifteen, and so on. Imagine if you're 99 years old..). Actually I don't know how to eat these things 'cause they're like chewing gum and you have to swallow 'em whole.

I know the Chinese have weird customs. CNY rocks, though. (If you're wondering, I'll be back for CNY so I can ask people for money.)

Anyway, Maz and Effie were on television Friday night. RTB interviewed them because they were very pandai and hardworking. 8A people. Hahah. 
Maz, I'm awfully proud of you.
Effie, you're going to be even more famous now, famous person. Don't deny it. Stella agrees with me.

P.S. Tira, I now have four badges, and my only two of my Pokémon are above level 30. =) I'm so lazy to train, I know.

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