Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Have to wake up early tomorrow, do some stuff, learn some things. Meh. 

I don't know why I have to go to a high school "of Mathematics and Science". Number one, I don't like Maths. Number two, I'm probably going to be the laziest person studying there. Number three, I don't like Maths. Number four, it's too much work. Number five, I don't like Maths.

What I do know is that the solutions to my problems are simple: I have to learn how to be hardworking and studious and try to brainwash myself into loving Math. 

I love Maths. 

Maybe I'll go to hell for saying such a big lie. Maybe I'll try again.

I really like Maths when it's easy, and when equations can be solved in a blink of an eye. I like Maths when it makes you seem cool, and when you get loads of As for it. I like Maths because when you understand and when you do it right, people think you're smart. I like Maths because it's a huge step forward for mankind. *cough*

Oh, Handy Manny is like, the next generation Bob the Builder. 

I believe Bob eloped with Wendy and migrated to Spain and changed their names. Then they had a son called Handy uh...Manny and then suddenly died of a mysterious disease. 

It's a strange theory, I know.

I mean, first talking cement mixers and now talking screwdrivers? 
It has to be related somehow.

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