Monday, December 15, 2008

Power cut.

I had lunch at Excapade with my cousin yesterday, and conned him into feeding my brother. Ah, the sweet power of manipulation.

So I went home, went online, and went to congratulate Stella repeatedly for scoring (however kalok she claims it to be; it still counts) 8A1s. We started talking about nose-picking (a continuation from yesterday) and decided to add Effie to our convo for greater effect. 

Our conversation progressed from "thou shalt insert thy gloved finger into thy heavenly nostrils" to whacking people on the butt with sticks and weird emoticons. 
And then, out of the blue, all of a sudden, there was a crash boom and I found myself staring at a blank computer screen. 

I assessed my situation: Computer switched off, air conditioner no longer working, lack of flashing lights from my modem, et cetera. 

Familiar situation, that was. Then I realised we had a power cut. 

The people working on the construction site opposite my house apparently broke/snapped/snagged/did something bad to a power line with a truck/crane/big vehicle used for construction. 

We went without power for three hours. A three hours in which mosquitoes decided I tasted very nice indeed. I still itch from them. I don't hate mosquitoes though. Even if they give you dengue fever or malaria. It's not exactly their fault.

Note: I wrote this post a few days ago, but I didn't post it because I was busy watching television. =) 
I just woke up, and had to send a few emails so I decided to post this out-of-date post. I'm waiting for my mum to pick us up to go to my uncle's house. Family gathering thing.

I'll try to post another post later on. 


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