Sunday, December 07, 2008


Zimah, I still can't read your blog.

It's not that I'm illiterate though, if that's what you're thinking. 'Cause if I were, I wouldn't be able to blog or write or speak nonsense. But that's another story.

Note: I just broke a few rules in Ms Anne's grammar book. I used the words "because" and "but" to begin a sentence. Which is supposed to be a big no-no. Although professional writers are sorta allowed to use it. Life is so unfair sometimes.

Aren't the holidays dull? Unless you can afford (time and transport-wise) to go out all the time. Makes me wish I could drive. That way, I could go anywhere I want any time I want. Unless I have to babysit. Which here means watching stupid, pointless videos on YouTube with my brother until I go crazy. 
Why can kids watch the same thing over and over again and still find it funny? It's amazing, honestly. It's either they have the memory of goldfish, or just have a great sense of humour.

Oh, by the way, I started playing Pokémon again. Just shows how jobless I am. 


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