Friday, December 26, 2008

When internet connection is gay.

I still haven't finished packing, because I can't find my iPod nano and I have to find it. That doesn't explain why I'm here blogging though. 

I've got to attend baby Alyssa's one month old dinner tonight (I do seem to attend a lot of dinners, don't I?) and if I don't finish packing by then, I'm doomed and will definitely be late for my eight-in-the-morning flight to Singapore. 

I understand that it should be understandable if I don't blog for a while 'cause I doubt I'd instantly acquire internet connection there. I hope you guys won't miss my nonsense too much *cough cough*. 

Also, to all you guys out there, it doesn't matter if I'm not in Brunei because there's still the internet and it's awfully reliable (except when the connection is gay. Hahah. I love that phrase.) for us to keep in touch. Just don't forget me completely and I'll be fine. 

My next post will be from S'pore (I don't know when that'll be, but I can safely say "eventually") from a different computer and possibly faster internet connection. 

Adieu (for real, this time).

P.S. I sure used a lot of brackets this time, didn't I?

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