Thursday, May 21, 2009

I would like to buy a hamburger.

Hey, what's up, homies? (Yeah, I'm still trying to be gangsta'. I fail.)

Highlight of my day: A lady stabbed my arm with a needle. Fast. And furiously. 

No, she wasn't being mean or sadistic or anything like that, she was just being professional. 

Imagine making a living doing things like that. That's kinda cool. License to inflict pain upon people with the excuse of making them healthier and more immune to diseases. 

Now my left arm's kinda sore, but getting better. 

At least my injections are over for now.

So Faiz, Kevin, Insan and I left for the Health Promotion Board place with Ms Shahirah. 
Somehow Kevin and Faiz always arrive earlier than the rest of us even when they leave in a later taxi. Hm. 'Tis a mystery.

Had my height and weight measured, hearing checked (perfect hearing) and got the injection along with the polio thing you have to drink. Bleh. So tasteless, it tasted bad.

The injection bit was pretty amusing. The nurse lady was talking and talking, then she took out the needle, and jab, it was done. It took me around half a second to realise she injected me. Like, *jab* half second later, "Oh. That hurt."

Actually, it didn't hurt much. Ten minutes later, then the soreness/weakness started kicking in. Man, now that hurt.

Apparently the guys had to make appointments for future visits. Poor them. 

And I still need to visit an optician to get my eyes checked. I don't need glasses. Honestly.

Feyra and I are doing "Broken" by Seether, featuring Amy Lee (from Evanescence) for the Talentsearch thing. So far suffering from lack of practice. Will improve, definitely. 

Don't want extra Chem class tomorrow. Don't want. Want to go out to buy toys for my brother and cousins. 

I love accents.

Oh, by the way, Confucius say, "Man who run in front of car get tired, and man who run behind car get exhausted."

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