Thursday, May 28, 2009


Highlight of my day: I drank tea. The traditional way (though I'm not quite sure we got it exactly right). 

I don't like tea. I've never liked it. Tea smells really good, but I can't stand the taste. Though I did drink three cups. Three, man. That's more than I've ever drank in an entire lifetime. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Honest.

Tea Chapter. Visit. To. Pretty cool. Witnessed weird video of puppet show. Made a retarded-looking lavender dumpling thing. Appreciated tea. Yeah.

Ms Li came back today. Apparently she was late because she overslept. Man, that just goes to show that Physics teachers are human like the rest of us. Epic.

Baoxin was asking me this afternoon what day it was today. "Thursday?" I said. 
"No," she replied. 
"Oh," I said, finally seeing the light (actually I don't know why people use this phrase. You need light to see, so if you didn't have light you wouldn't be able to see in the first place, so okay, I'm confused. Sue me), "It's the day where people go to the beach and throw things into the sea, right?"

And bingo, I was correct. 

Last day of Sem 1 tomorrow. 

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think I've managed to survive my first semester here. Wow. Really, wow. That was fast. 

So fast, it's actually scary. 

So far, I've learned how to iron my clothes, do my own laundry, rush projects (like our Geography report, it took Rania and I four hours to complete it and got a 59/65, aren't we just awesome?), survive long nights of studying, et cetera et cetera. 

Man, don't you just love Michael Bublé's voice?

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