Monday, May 18, 2009

Pink monkey.

Whee. It's raining right now. 

It was Wardah's birthday yesterday. So Fatinn, Syafiqah and I went out so I could get her a present. 

I picked up a set of new strings while looking for her present. Problem is, I don't know whether I should change them, or wait until one snaps or till they start to sound old. Last string change was in September.

Black nylon, man. How awesome is that? Another problem is (yes, life's got too many problems), you can't really see black strings on a black fretboard. 
They may look super cool with the silver bass strings, but what's the point if you can hardly see 'em? 
Maybe it's not so bad. We'll see after I finally change 'em. 

But my current coffee-coloured G-string (hey, don't think dirty here, kay? I know I have a certain Bruneian senior who laughs every time the word "G-string" is mentioned) is super nice to play and it sounds real awesome. I know this sounds wrong. Don't think sick, you sickos.

Tsk. Decisions.

Anyway, we then went to Jurong Point to buy some more stuff for the cluster "May babies" birthday thing. 

I got cookies and new book. Yum. (Not the book, the cookies. Though books are equally delectable [Oh God I sound like such a geek].)

Later on we met up with Wardah and the rest at somewhere-can't-remember-name-I-have-no-sense-of-direction and discovered the paintball place was closed. Didn't matter anyway, 'cause we had loadsa fun.

P.S. I've just started reading 'Angels and Demons', so do not, I repeat, do NOT spoil the ending for me if you're read it already or seen the movie lately. 

I refuse to watch the movie before I finish the book.

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