Sunday, May 17, 2009


Note: This post was actually supposed to be for last Saturday, but I never got around to finish it. 

So basically I had a lot of fun, but nothing of interest happened to write about here that would interest you guys. 

I updated my software to 10.5.7, and updated everything else that was available since I was already downloading stuff. 
What is this new iTunes DJ thing? How does it know what songs go with which? Whatever happened to the good old 'Party Shuffle'? 
It feels weird to have my music-player software trying to act smarter than I am. Especially with that "Genius" option in the sidebar. 

Does this foretell the whole "robots-taking-over-the-earth" thing? 

...I hope not.

Oh, and I just noticed that Mario Kart is highly illogical. Not that things have to be logical (take a look at- oh crud. My mind seems to have lost my train of thought for a moment. Never mind.).
Check out this excerpt from Wiki.

"Mario is depicted as a short, pudgy, Italian plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. In the Marioseries, he repeatedly stops the plans of Bowser to kidnap Princess Peach and subjugate the Mushroom Kingdom."

The dude is a plumber, for goodness' sake. 

But he's got his own theme song, a trillion video games based on him and the ability to jump real high and grow really big by consuming mushrooms. 

Oh, by the way, guys, I know where Baby Mario comes from. There's this game called "Yoshi's Island" I used to play on my Gameboy, and a Baby Mario rides on Yoshi's back while they travel some far and pointless journey to get him reunited with his brother. Or something. Good game, that. Yoshi is so cute. He's even got his own Wiki page.


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