Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Watching "Hi, I'm a Marvel... And I'm a DC" vids on YouTube right now.

Man, they are hilarious.

Best thing of my day.

I love how it's so witty and how the jokes are so obscurely funny.

Ah, comic book universes are awesome.

It would be so cool if I could somehow dedicate part of my life to reading Marvel and DC comics, and watching their movies and animated adaptions.

Anyway, started Wiki-ing X-Men (again) 'cause tomorrow's the start of script-checking, and I have this bad habit of doodling comic book characters on my papers. That scratching of pen tips against paper is so addictive. And everything looks so much cooler in green ink, for some reason.

Also, I kinda like to doodle just so I can take my mind off the results I'll be getting.

It makes me appear nonchalant and totally cool with whatever I get.

Man, the pressure is on.

Spent my morning doing Malay O-level papers, and my afternoon in the hall for a Deeparaya rehearsal.


Better go off now.

Sleep is needed.


P.S. Just started on 'Sense and Sensibility'. It sad that the only chick lit I read is the chick lit of the nineteenth century.

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