Thursday, August 14, 2008


Syaz, where are you?

I need someone from 3R to be online right now. Come on, anyone. I want to know what I got for BM and Maths 2. 


Damn it. I can't stand it. I need to know. Come on, talk to me.

Thanks Steph, for coming online. I know my marks now. =)

Maths was better than expected. 
BM's bad, but hey, you've got to consider who's paper it is. Mine. I got a B3. (Yesss!!!)

Well, if you must know why I skipped school this morning, it was 'cause I actually passed that crappy paper to attend a crappy interview.

I was shaking from top the bottom. Damn scary. 
*sticks tongue out at interviewers* 
Don't want to talk about it though. I wish to erase the memory. 'Cause it sucked. Big time.
Anyway, I wish I went to school today. There's always this lingering feeling that I missed a lot while I was away.  

I'm like, not in the mood to talk a lot right now. Meh. I don't even know what to do... Maybe I should read Sabriel? Should I, or should I not? Hmm...

...I want to. 

But the question is, is it the right thing to do?

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