Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sometimes, you just wanna say "STFU!".

I would've blogged yesterday, but a thunderstorm got in the way.

If you're thinking I'm a sakai person who's stuck in old times and afraid of using the internet or any other electrical appliance when it's raining in fear of getting electrocuted, you're wrong.

It's just that my modem's prone to emitting sparks, and I don't want to die so soon.
You wouldn't want that, would you? No more nonsense to read, imagine that.

I've got a party/gathering/whatever thing to attend tonight. I've got no choice but to be there, 'cause the venue address, somehow mysteriously matches my house address. Hm...

I could've sworn I had lots to write about when I clicked on "New Post".

Damn it.

I think I've mentioned this: we're building a house for MIB. 
The closest I've ever gotten to construction is my Lego set, so, yeah, we're stuck, and we haven't even started. I think we've got a base or something... But whatever. 

Also, I have realised that there's more to satay sticks than meets the eye. You can do lots with them. Like, building stuff, burning (firewood?), poking, making stupid, useless things, et cetera et cetera.

Why is everyone so shocked to find out that Cikgu Ruzidah is single?
I think she has every right to be single. 
...I didn't mean that in a bad way, all right?
I'm a nice person *cough cough*.

Oh, and I don't know why, but I keep having this urge to say "ass-hole". Rude, I know.


And I say "meh" waaay to much nowadays. I should stop; I've been getting weird looks from teachers when I say that in class. 

Gay = happy.
...right or left?

P.S. Happy birthday uncle Jeff. May your primitive, godforsaken place of residence last you long.

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