Choosing option subject -> talking about future possibilities -> not looking forward to it
What to do, what to do, what to do?
What to choose?
This sucks so much. Trust them to leave it to me (aka the world's most indecisive person) to choose an optional subject. My head hurts, just thinking about it.
So many possibilities, so little time. So many restrictions.
And damn mainstream job choices.
Tell you what, I want to be a lawyer-slash-writer-slash-musician-slash-architect-slash-ownerofarubbishcollectingcompany-slash-environmentalist-slash-ass-kicker-slash-computer game tester-slash-mafia don-slash-millionaire-slash-billionaire-slash-trillionaire-slash-evilgeniusbentontakingovertheworld-slash-professional racer-slash-everythingelsethat'scoolandawesomeandnotboring.
I don't want to make the wrong choice and end up sitting in an office all day hating my job and wishing I picked something else.
How come everyone knows what they want to do and what subject they want to take for '09?
And how come I don't?
'Nyway, to talk about the briefing...
It started with all of us buzzing with enthusiasm, and fifteen minutes into the principal's "speech", we were reduced to an auditorium full of bored, not-listening students. Kasian.
After she was done comparing us with last year's results and the year before that's, Cikgu H had to "borrow" the microphone for a moment and she lectured us on a motivational talk she had so painstakingly organised for us and we didn't seem to appreciate it, yadda yadda yadda.
Look, I've never even seen this circular thing, okay? None of my business. I've never approved of motivational talks, but if you can attend if you want, because it sounded useful (sorta).
Then finally, the real subject briefing began and I realised Effie was sitting behind me. I really shouldn't have sat there, because I kept getting hit by things, (esp. when Wani threw her glasses case at Maz, missed and hit me instead). Ouch.
The rest went on sort of smoothly (D&T presentation was cool!), until it was History's turn to be briefed about. And guess who was there to brief us?
None other than Cikgu Ruzidah. Isn't she just awesome? *cough*
We clapped so hard, and whistled, and cheered her on like we were at some live music performance as she took the mike. She smiled in "bangga-ness". I tried not to puke and clapped some more, all the while trying to cover my face with the pink (see? The Admin loves pink) booklets distributed earlier.
Her speech was surprisingly short, because we assumed she'd assume her majal-ness and go on for like, ever.
She said, "The MCQ section is multiple-choice, you have a choice of four answers, A, B, C, or D."
Oh man, I went into hysterics after she said that. Laughed through the whole seven minutes and didn't listen to a single word she uttered after that, 'cause it's funny the way she says things.
I'd blog more about the other stuff, but that History bit was so awesome, everything else seems so not-as-funny-anymore.
But I can trust the other F3 MS students to write more about it in their posts.
P.S. Congratulations to 'Cher Sofy for delivering a baby girl on Thursday, 21-08-2008. Enjoy your 56 days of maternity leave.
Oh, and by the way, I need to ask you 'cher, why didn't you induce the pregnancy a day earlier? 20-08-2008 would've been one awesome birthdate.
Edit: I've edited this post a total of four times, and if I still can't get it right, it's no longer my fault.
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