Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hot potato.

I just realised: O-levels are coming soon.

For Bruneians, I mean.

Which makes me wonder, what would it be like if I hadn't agreed to come here?

If I hadn't made that slightest hint of nod that set off a chain of events that sent me packing to this joint, I'd be at home, worrying my ass off about O's.

But the question now is, would I be? Would I be stuck behind books 24/7 (after that awful PMB incident, maybe I daren't risk it and condemn myself to eternal humiliation again), or would I be kicking back and chillin' (and therefore condemn myself to eternal humiliation)?

It's funny how things could've been so different but aren't.

It's also funny (and slightly horrifying) that it's already October as I type these letters down. Time flies by so fast it scares the hell out of me (pardon my language, but it really does).

I would love to be able to savour my time, thank you very much.

School was okay today.

Had to spend quite a while trying to convince Mr Chia that he really hadn't given us our Chapter 6 notes yet. He apparently thought we were lying to him, but we were completely innocent (for once). (I mean, how on earth could he not believe us? Like we would do a thing like that... *cough*)

Spent Geog doodling on my notes. Darth Vader and Sauron watch over my 'Karst Landforms' notes now.

English presentations were fun to watch. I like that we can just sit back and listen and not have to do much work or exert much brainpower.

Hope our presentation (whenever that happens) will go well. Fingers crossed.

Bio quiz was nice. I kind of enjoyed it, you know? I don't know why, but I did.

Spent the afternoon in the Mac lab with Ahmad and Aisyah completely failing to edit our Malay project video 'cause of some file problems. Will try to solve it tomorrow during CCA.

Finally had dinner out (thank goodness) with Fatinn and Kelvin. Now I have sustenance to last me through the coming weekdays.

Okay, okay, long post.


P.S. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that our English module has killed my brain. Too many rhetorical questions, too much listing, and too much bullsh*t.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This video is so cute. It totally makes the world seem (and sound) like a better place.

It's such a strangely feel good song.

Got our Physics test back today. Don't like the results, but what to do. Am hoping hard I won't GG as badly during the exam.

It got me thinking, would I have done better if it wasn't right after the holidays? Is it right to blame it on not having enough time or not putting in enough effort because I wanted to spend more time at home?

Is it okay to say that trying to forget about our workload for moment in order to not seem so stressed and to try to enjoy myself more is a reasonable excuse to do badly?

It's not okay, and I know it.

I think I might have screwed up somewhere back then. Took a wrong turn, done something unwise.

Either that, or I'm just really, really stupid.

Had half of 304 join us for ACE. Something about reflecting upon our actions and learning from our mistakes. Hmm.

Bio was fun. Was high for the first half hour 'cause Ms Fong was busy meeting the PM (yeah, he visited, along with his adorable guard puppy). Being high is contagious. Continued making lame jokes. There is no end to our lameness.

Did blood vessels today. I like how everything seems to come together in Bio to form one perfect picture. Yeah, I agree with Ms Fong. It is amazing how things have adapted to work to achieve optimum results.

Graded task was hectic. Spent too much time trying to make the diagram look as neat as possible and ended up scribbling down our explanations.

Spent study time with Kelvin wondering where everyone else went, 'cause they didn't show up at all. Discussion room's still closed for no reason whatsoever.

Gotta go now. Aku hendak tidurz.

P.S. "I'm winking, but my eyes are too small for you to notice." I've Ghan-decided that it's okay to have small eyes. I'm proud to be Chinese, really (even though I don't read nor write any Mandarin).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tahi kerbau.

Almost eight hundred posts later, I decide to change my tagboard due to the overwhelming (annoying, rather) spam I've been receiving from seemingly hot female bots.

And yeah, I like it, despite the fact that a bit of the bottom of it gets cut off. But that's totally okay. I'm spam-free (for now).

Okay, finally done with that Math journal thing we're supposed to do. Thank God for Leyi and her ability to comprehend mathematical modeling way better than I can.

Sometimes, I have trouble trying to decide whether everyone I know is smarter than me by coincidence, or that I'm just stupid.

Anyway, Math reflections are relatively easy to write. Loads and loads of making stuff up. Refer to this post for tips.

As long as I remember to print it tomorrow I'll be fine.

Finished off Chem notes on gases today. It's strange how we've got an ideal gas equation and one on real gases (because there is no such thing as an ideal gas, apparently). I don't know why we've got an equation on ideal gases if they don't exist. Maybe it's to make things simpler for us, or maybe it's 'cause they just really like PV=nRT. I don't know.

Math was kinda fun 'cause Mr Chia (as I've mentioned before) is growing increasingly lame. And because we're 305, lame is good.

Screwed up graded class exercise, but that's okay, because we can't learn without making mistakes (yeah, I keep telling myself that. Keeps my hopes up).

Better go now. Want to sleep.


P.S. It's okay to not hate things, you know that? Just because I don't hate something doesn't mean I love it. I just don't see the point.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Marina Bay 2010

Is it sad to wish for more free time just to be able to do more work?

I think it is.

But that's what I'm wishing for right now. Wow, I'm a sad person.

Haven't posted for a few days now 'cause I've been both tired and depressed at the same time.

Why tired? Spent all Friday making the lamest jokes ever in class 'cause English and Physics got cancelled, spent Saturday morning filming our Malay project, spent Saturday afternoon at Shangri-La, spent Saturday evening trying to find ways to convert .mts AVCHD files to ones iMovie accepts, and spent all Sunday raya-ing.

And why depressed? I have no television access.

Why is it that television shows I want to watch only show when I'm not at home?

Okay, enough drabness for now. Let's be happy.

Oh yes, I'm happy. Ferrari won last night's race.

Alonso went from pole to win and I couldn't have been happier 'cause we get to show Singaporeans that yes, Ferrari is worth supporting. So proud.

Massa drove great, 'cause he went up 14 places from last to tenth (which means more points for Ferrari).

Highlights of the race? Hamilton crashing out after colliding with Webber (otherwise known as Stanley's idol), and Kovalainen turning fireman and putting out his flamin' engine himself (now that's style).

Wish I could say more but talking about F1 kinda makes me feel all empty inside 'cause I've missed so much.

Had plenty of fun at school though, 'cause we got to go "yesss" in front of non-Ferrari supporters and totally rub it in their faces.

Almost died-ed during PE for some strange reason.

Watched topical presentations (session 1) during English. Seriously glad I'm going last (with John Huang). I need way more time to prepare.

Glenn and Yos' presentation was funny. I honestly see nothing wrong in selling modules online though.

Was confused through Math, and got frustrated trying to teach Mrs Lim how to pronounce "stalactite" and "stalagmite".

Better go off now. Need sleep like my heart needs a beat but that's nothing new (thumbs up if you recognised the OneRepublic reference).


P.S. People need to stop telling me about how they saw last night's race, regardless of whether it was live or on television. I hate that I couldn't watch it at all.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Still listening to 'Na Na Na', still have it stuck in my head.

Feels good.

Has Chem quiz tomorrow, amongst other school-related things.

Glad the weekend's almost here. Need a break.

Math test today wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, so hoping I'll pass. Fingers crossed, everybody.

Spent Geog just sitting around reading The Oatmeal comics off my iPod 'cause Mrs Lim was on MC.

Physics was all about lame jokes and how Ryan is a complete failure at making jokes. Poor guy. I just don't think he has the sense of humour for that kind of thing.

Speech didn't happen 'cause Ms Lau had a meeting to attend, so English got cancelled too. Spent that hour just sitting around talking about random things like how Kian Wee has no life (he's got a level 98 Gengar without hacking and only 90+ hours of gameplay), making more lame jokes, and just being really, really lame.

Hm, just realised we only had an hour of real lesson time today. Cool.

All right, sleep calls to me.

Need to go dream of IMF and phase diagrams now.


P.S. Latest conspiracy theory: Alpha and Beta didn't die. They just changed their identities and crossed over to the Bio department. Say hello to Charles and Edward.


In contrast to last night (where I was feeling all sh*tty, pardon my language, 'cause of the upcoming Math test that is now over), I'm feeling so so so happy right now.

Excuse my lack of composure, but I have to get this off my chest.

In fact, I'm so happy, I'm going to double post today.

So why am I so happy?

Okay, MCR's new single, 'Na Na Na' has been recently premiered on radio (a few hours ago, in fact). And I love it.

And I'm completely overjoyed. And not to mention relieved. I'm relieved because I don't think I could take the disappointment if I didn't find it to my liking.

But heck, it sure sounds good.

November 22nd. That's the date I'm waiting for. Now the question is, can I pre-order a copy? I would love to.

And wait, there's more. The Sims 3: Late Night is coming out October 26th, which includes a Simlish version of 'Na Na Na'. The Sims 3 + My Chemical Romance = pure bliss.

It's even better than Adam Lambert + F1, as much as I love both. I think if MCR + F1 were to ever happen, I'd simply die if I wasn't able to attend.

Okay, okay, happiness overload over.

See you guys tonight.

P.S. And it's pouring right now, which totally adds to the happiness.

P.P.S. To be honest with you, I think 'Ambitions' is more worth the money than 'Late Night'.

P.P.P.S. Yeah, I think I do sound a bit too materialistic in this post. But that's okay. Everybody desires things.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Okay, okay, this is the time of the term where I talk about how I fervently wish every day that I could drop Math in Year 5.

Math scares me. I don't know why, but it just does. I don't want it to, but it does.

But I've got no choice but to face the numbers.

Chem today was half depressing. Feel like doing well for our next Chem quiz just to cheer Mr Tan up.

There's just so much pressure (pun unintended) to do well, what with failing the "Teletubby" quiz last term.

Math was funny. I kid you not. It's kind of like Mr Chia gets happier and happier every time we see him. I mean, he isn't as serious anymore, and he sure laughs a lot nowadays. But it's a good thing, I swear it.

No longer feel sleepy during Math, 'cause it's hard to fall asleep with Kian Wee and Glenn sitting behind you and making lame jokes.

Malay got cancelled today (and will be tomorrow) 'cause our teacher's on MC. Peribahasa quiz thankfully postponed then.

Spent non-existent Malay sitting near the netball court trying to figure out the meaning of "eating doughnuts".

It's definitely an euphemism for something, but I don't really know what it is yet.

Will continue digging the truth out of Aisyah ('cause Insan told her and he wouldn't tell us) tomorrow.

Hey, we're curious people, after all.

Okay, I have a speech to write.


P.S. Mr Tan almost, almost, mentioned "to pick up chicks" today. How interesting.

P.P.S. "Emergency" assembly was about vandalism. Could've saved us the suspense. We thought it was about the "20% increase in BGR: one". Oh well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Biarpun ribut melanda." -Sofaz

Listening to Muse right now.

Ah, Muse. Brings back great memories.

Okay yeah, I admit, I'm tired. I'm tired and I don't feel like doing anything but there's not much choice, is there?

Work has to be done, deadlines have to be met, quizzes have to be studied for. That's life. We only got one shot at it, but sometimes I wish it weren't so harsh on us.

There need to be more "no school" days. Don't school authorities know that tired students are unproductive students?

The mind needs sleep to function well, and if you don't allow us this sleep it's not cool to talk about the second class work we hand in.

Or maybe it's just that we have atrocious time management skills.

I don't know.

Anyway, almost died (according to Dr Sun) during PE today. It's funny how the chances of a soccer ball hitting you in the back of the head are so small yet it happens anyway. Hmm.

Had a compre test during English today. English is 6 mc this sem, and if I don't do well it's GG for me (I'm already hopelessly hopeless at Math and probably will GG for Physics too). How fun.

Was completely clueless during Math (I blame the soccer ball incident).

Sometimes school makes me feel stupid.

Finally had our Geog video presentation today. Didn't go as bad as I expected, given we didn't plan a single thing (apart from look for the video and a literally last-minute discussion about who was to talk about what). Sigh of relief.

All right, I'mma be off to do other things now.


P.S. Time, yeah, we sure need more of that.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"'Cause the world will never take my heart." -MCR

Sitting here now, wishing there was no school tomorrow 'cause I would love to sleep in.

Anyway, laziness aside, I have some ranting to do.

Listen, it's okay for a band to want to try new things. It's acceptable for them to want to advance in life. It's fine for individuals to want to explore new sounds to try to express themselves.

It's completely, utterly, totally okay.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

And then there are people who go around complaining about how they've changed and how they've changed their style, and how they've turned your life upside down inside out by doing things differently.

The reason why most successful bands are where they are today is because they love what they do and write music from the bottom of their hearts. It's a form of expression, to let us know what they think and how they view the world. It's their translation of life. It's not our place to make them feel unhappy with what they're doing if they alter their sound.

Hey, musicians are human too, okay?

Let them be.

As I've said before, if you've liked a band because they produce stuff you like, and if you really, really dislike their latest music, you shouldn't be going around commenting about how stupid they've become. It hurts. Feeling disappointed is okay, but you shouldn't be taking it out on the band.

Went out for raya-ing today, but skipped a house (sorry Wardah) 'cause I had to get back and get some stuff done. I think I need to be more productive.

But yeah, raya-ing was fun. It's always tiring, but it's part of the package.

I should be going off now. Have to draft a speech 'cause apparently Ms Lau's going to check tomorrow.


P.S. Come to think of it, typing out this post has totally given me inspiration about what to talk about. Interesting. (And I'm going to have to ditch my 'Luke, I am your father' idea to do it.)

P.P.S. See? Blogging is totally useful.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Oh God, it took me forever (actually no, not really) to finally sign into Blogger.

The internet connection here likes to get on my nerves. It's like the ultimate test of patience.

But that's okay, I got plenty of patience. Oh yes, I have patience.

I only talk about patience 'cause that's what it takes to wait for something you know that's coming and you really want it.

So that something that's coming is MCR's new album. Yeahp, you read right. Yeahp, they haven't disappeared off the face of the earth like a lot of people thought they did. Yeahp, they're back.

Wow. It's been more than three years since 'The Black Parade'. More than three years of loving MCR. Heck I'm old.

Right now, 'A Thousand Suns' kind of shrinks in comparison to 'Danger Days: True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys'. I'm sorry, Linkin Park.

But the difference between the two albums is that 'A Thousand Suns' is already out in stores while we don't even know the album cover of 'Danger Days' yet.

Speaking of album covers, James Blunt made an interesting move for his new album cover. 'Some Kind of Trouble' sports a picture of Babytard on the cover. If you don't know who Babytard is, you're probably not as jobless as I am to watch the Shaytards on YouTube (I love this family 'cause it gives us deprived people a glimpse of family life once in a while).

I'm not a huge fan of James Blunt, but I like it that he hangs around YouTube too.

Wasted my entire day today. Not good.

Better be off now.

Productivity here I come (not).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monocular vision.

Just uploaded our Chem poster, after spending ages (got distracted) trying to resize the file.

It doesn't look like a "masterpiece", as Mr Tan puts it, but whatever goes. It's not art, it's Chem.

Was cranky and didn't post last night 'cause the internet connection was really annoying. It's like you want to get things done but you can't 'cause nothing will load right.

Thank goodness it's better today (albeit slightly, but improvement is definitely good).

Listening to Scorpions right now. Managed to borrow disc 2 of 'Scorpions No. 1's' from my dad last week. Mmm boy, is it good. I love their sound.

They just don't make songs like they used to anymore.

Math grows funnier but lamer every day, and Geog just grows lamer. Yes, I like rocks.

Differentiation suddenly seems so much clearer today. No idea why. Was totally clueless on Tuesday, and now I'm kinda like, "Oh, okay, I get this.".

Died-ed for English today. Had extreme writer's block for the first fifteen minutes and ended up not knowing what on earth I was writing about. I'm going to fail this essay test (sad face).

Oh, and Physics didn't happen 'cause apparently Mr Yeo managed to get food poisoning from eating fish head curry.

Apart from make lame jokes about Pokémon, nothing much happened today.

I'm still watching Pokémon off YouTube. I'll probably stop when I get to the Johto or Hoenn series. I don't know. First generation Pokémon are the best.

Okay, that's it for now.


P.S. I haven't read 'Sherlock Holmes' for weeks. Should probably pick it up again sometime soon.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Okay, short post for today.

Just finished with my Geog monograph. Kinda happy with it, and so glad I've got it over with.

Completely messed up today's Chem prac. Forgot to turn over volumetric flask so ended up with a ridiculously un-homogenous solution. Values were strange. Epic compromised. Phenolphthalein simply refused to turn a nice and friendly light shade of pink. Stupid overkill.

Don't like titration.

But yeah, it was sorta fun.

Today, Mr Chia totally admitted to not understanding differentiation at first too. Is it okay to use it as an excuse to not get the slightest thing about calculus? I guess not.

Linkin Park's latest album, 'A Thousand Suns' came out today. I would very much like to have it.

There are a lot of people out there who always go, "What do they think they're doing? Their music from previous albums was much better. I hate this new sound," whenever a new album from any band comes out.

Personally, I think that if they haven't changed a bit since the last album, they haven't been advancing as a band. Isn't it all about discovering new sounds, new feels, and experimenting with what they like?
I think that if I like what they're doing, it's a good thing, but if I don't, there's always other material to listen to.

If you don't like it, it's not their problem. It's yours. If you don't like it, then just don't listen to it. Simple as that.

Hmm, labeling.

We should really stop labeling things. Things don't need to be labeled. (Unless, of course, you're in some lab and unlabeled material could harm you.)

Okay, it's really late so adieu for now.

P.S. Yum, hostel-provided mooncake.

The Rising Sun

Listening to Chameleon Circuit right now.

I've only got two songs, but YouTube is a great place. Gentle reminder to myself to watch more 'Dr Who' in my free time.

Anyway, it's about time I posted here.

Been pretty busy. Well, sorta.

Flight back was yesterday, so yeah, I'm totally back here in Singapore now.

Spent the rest of the day trying to look for a place to write about for our Geog monograph thing with Adithya and Kelvin (who doesn't take Geog but came with us anyway for the fun of it).

Fun? No way it was fun.

The saddest thing was coming back and checking my email and being told that yes, in fact, I could use a place in Brunei.


It's times like these I wish I took something other than Geog.

First day of term 4 today. Ah, term 4. The term with the exam. The term with the revision. The term before December holidays. Always a favourite, term 4.

Physics test? Great way to start the term. At least that's over with for now, but it makes me dread exams. Ever so badly.

Gotta drag myself out of holiday mood and get working.

No fun at all.

Better go off now.


P.S. Internet connection is horribly atrocious. Yeahp, definitely means I'm back.

P.P.S. Why does everything sound so much sexier in French?

P.P.P.S. VMAs? No thank you. There's just too much Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift and Kanye West and Justin Bieber. Whatever happened to rock music? I just happen to really love rock.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bieber Hair Flip

Yeahp, the title says it all.

This is one of those rare occasions where I actually do address my post title.

So what about the Bieber Hair Flip?

Was at Best Eastern earlier this afternoon with Neko, waiting for the rest of the MYBs to arrive, and almost all the covers of "teen" magazines had Justin Bieber's face on it. And so naturally we started talking about him and his famous hair flipping.

And it just went on from there. Bieber Hair Flipped all night long, man. I think my neck's kinda sore from all the flipping though. I don't know how Justin Bieber manages to constantly pull it off.

Anyway, sungkai-ed at Swensens today with Neko, Wani, Myra, Naimah, Maz and Fazrul (aka "Fazolf Hitler").

Talked and talked and made so many lame jokes, my cheeks and stomach ache from all the laughing.

I miss those days when I was still in MS. Ah, those were definitely the days.

Best last day of Ramadhan ever.

We totally need to meet up more often.

And yeah, you totally read that right. Ramadhan's over, and Raya's tomorrow.

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.

Okay, I'mma go off now.


P.S. Just realised I missed 'Physics remedial session 2' today. Stop making us choose between family and doing well for school, thank you very much.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Now, before we plunge into anything else, I'd like to take the opportunity to point out that today's date is 8/9/10, which is cool.

Anyway, besides stating the obvious, I'm listening to a bit of Chopin right now. Mmm. Reminds me of 'The Pianist', which in turn reminds me of Adrien Brody.

Such powerful music. Such genius. I love how two centuries later we're all still listening to his music and loving it and being thankful he's managed to touch our hearts (for me, at least).

Same goes to all the other brilliant composers out there whose works have managed to survive all the years from then till now. Beautiful stuff.

Was at UBD earlier today trying to look for something to write about for our Geog monograph thing. Managed to get something, I guess. Better than nothing. If it turns out it has to be a monument/building in Singapore I'm going to be so annoyed. So, so annoyed.

Hate that I want to enjoy my holidays but am constantly bugged by schoolwork and deadlines and that Physics test we have when we get back. It sucks that we can't at least fully enjoy the time we have here.

But the choice is to do badly and waste the time spent away from home, or do well but feel horrible while at home.

Hard decision.

Highlight of my day? Finally having "tradition" with Shar and Stel.

We call it "tradition" because we always do the same thing whenever I get back. Meet up, eat at Excapade, have dessert at Swensen's, and talk talk talk. Always the four of us (Manda couldn't come this time).

I love that how five years down the road we're still able to totally be comfortable around each other.

To be honest with you I don't wish for anything to change at all. I kind of like things the way they are (apart from the large amounts of work they give us at school), but you always know things are going to have to change no matter what.

All right, have to go now. Time to be productive. Sigh.

P.S. I would like some charcoal pencils, and more free time. Thank you.

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Bruneians, have you seen this video?

If not, go watch it and support the dude if you're a true Bruneian.

For people who aren't bothered to check out the link, it's a clip from 'The X Factor (Australia)', where this Bruneian dude sings amazingly.

I've read the comments people make on the video, and I can't help but feel offended. There are warm, encouraging comments, and there are ones that go "You should be ashamed to call yourself Bruneian", or "You put our country to shame".

Do you want to know why they say that? It's because he's gay. Oh yes, being gay is such a shameful thing.

I've said it before and I'll definitely say it again: It's totally okay to be homosexual. People should have the right to love whoever they want, because loving people, unlike hating them, is a good thing.

Haven't gotten work done yet. I despise holiday homework. Very much.

But what has to be done has to be done, huh?

Gotta go now. Turning in early tonight 'cause I have to wake up early tomorrow to get my IC renewed.


Saturday, September 04, 2010


Okay, I've made a decision.

I've decided that I'm going to start posting vlogs. You know, sometimes I don't have enough time to write out a proper post and publish it, and sometimes words just don't capture enough essence of a certain moment, so yeah.

Yesterday was sorta hectic. Had to leave CCA a bit earlier so I could finish up packing before we left.

I think going back home is one of the funnest things to do.

I don't understand golf. I don't understand it at all.
My dad took me out to be his golf buggy driver today. I honestly don't know what to say.

Golf is cool when you're really good at it and you earn a living off it, but it's so uncool when you spend hours and hours playing and loads of money on equipment and are still mediocre.

It's horrible. I think there should be priorities in a man's life. And golf shouldn't be on top of the list.

Besides watching a couple of dudes play golf, the other highlight of my day was downloading 'Posterino', which is pretty cool 'cause it runs on Mac and makes posters (no surprises there, huh?).

Chem poster starting to take shape, but that's the least of my problems.

Assed holiday homework.

All right, gotta go now.


P.S. Received some five dollar voucher from Changi, and apparently it's really hard to be nice, 'cause when I wanted to give it away most people were all, "Ew, no.".

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Alcohol affinity.

Wow, so there's a new 'Stats' thing on the Blogger toolbar.

Interesting. It's not like we need to be any more obsessed with page views and traffic and imaging as it is.

Two days to the holidays. Just two. Two quiz-packed, assignment deadlined, long hour-ed days.

But still. Just two.

Hoping hard I'll be able to survive long enough to get to my flight back to Brunei (oh home sweet home, good food galore).

I bet I sound so greedy. But honestly, nothing beats a nice, home-cooked meal. And the alcohol, oh the alcohol. (Don't get me wrong here. Alcohol is bad for you, kids. Don't drink. It's no good. No good at all.)

Sure I drink, but in definite moderation. I don't drink till I drop (because that's just stupid); just enough to quench my thirst.

Speaking of alcohol, our Chem quiz on Friday is on O and N-containing compounds. Sounds good.

Bio quiz tomorrow on respiration and the like.

Math graded on inverse functions after that.

Physics in-class assignment on Friday but I've got no idea what it's on.

Highlight of my day: Facebook. Oh God, the things that happen on Facebook.

Okay, better go now.

Monday tomorrow.


P.S. Best thing I've seen today: "Hi, I'm a Marvel..." "...And I'm a DC." How come I've never noticed the similarities before? Hmm.