Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Rising Sun

Listening to Chameleon Circuit right now.

I've only got two songs, but YouTube is a great place. Gentle reminder to myself to watch more 'Dr Who' in my free time.

Anyway, it's about time I posted here.

Been pretty busy. Well, sorta.

Flight back was yesterday, so yeah, I'm totally back here in Singapore now.

Spent the rest of the day trying to look for a place to write about for our Geog monograph thing with Adithya and Kelvin (who doesn't take Geog but came with us anyway for the fun of it).

Fun? No way it was fun.

The saddest thing was coming back and checking my email and being told that yes, in fact, I could use a place in Brunei.


It's times like these I wish I took something other than Geog.

First day of term 4 today. Ah, term 4. The term with the exam. The term with the revision. The term before December holidays. Always a favourite, term 4.

Physics test? Great way to start the term. At least that's over with for now, but it makes me dread exams. Ever so badly.

Gotta drag myself out of holiday mood and get working.

No fun at all.

Better go off now.


P.S. Internet connection is horribly atrocious. Yeahp, definitely means I'm back.

P.P.S. Why does everything sound so much sexier in French?

P.P.P.S. VMAs? No thank you. There's just too much Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift and Kanye West and Justin Bieber. Whatever happened to rock music? I just happen to really love rock.

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