Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tahi kerbau.

Almost eight hundred posts later, I decide to change my tagboard due to the overwhelming (annoying, rather) spam I've been receiving from seemingly hot female bots.

And yeah, I like it, despite the fact that a bit of the bottom of it gets cut off. But that's totally okay. I'm spam-free (for now).

Okay, finally done with that Math journal thing we're supposed to do. Thank God for Leyi and her ability to comprehend mathematical modeling way better than I can.

Sometimes, I have trouble trying to decide whether everyone I know is smarter than me by coincidence, or that I'm just stupid.

Anyway, Math reflections are relatively easy to write. Loads and loads of making stuff up. Refer to this post for tips.

As long as I remember to print it tomorrow I'll be fine.

Finished off Chem notes on gases today. It's strange how we've got an ideal gas equation and one on real gases (because there is no such thing as an ideal gas, apparently). I don't know why we've got an equation on ideal gases if they don't exist. Maybe it's to make things simpler for us, or maybe it's 'cause they just really like PV=nRT. I don't know.

Math was kinda fun 'cause Mr Chia (as I've mentioned before) is growing increasingly lame. And because we're 305, lame is good.

Screwed up graded class exercise, but that's okay, because we can't learn without making mistakes (yeah, I keep telling myself that. Keeps my hopes up).

Better go now. Want to sleep.


P.S. It's okay to not hate things, you know that? Just because I don't hate something doesn't mean I love it. I just don't see the point.

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