Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Human League

Here we are, more shameless advertising coming your way.

Go and check out our video on YouTube, because we've put work into this, and we really want to showcase our epic lameness. No planning, nothing. We just met and decided to film things. Yes, these things just do happen.

School today was easy on us.

Malay first thing in the morning. Went through our test paper, and then did another paper from some other school. Got super agitated because they wrote "hati" in the passage when they meant "jantung". Honestly, I don't understand why people refer to their heart as "hati". Medically speaking, "hati" means liver. Oh you totally broke my liver, man. That makes sense.

Chem came after that. Spent two hours going through the DIY questions in our notes. Got harassed and harassed right back, because that's the way we roll in class. Totally prevents us from falling asleep though (I'm not sure if that's a good thing, 'cause Mrs Chong kept calling us "studious" and kept making us do more questions).

Econs test was one of the best tests ever, 'cause it's basically a test on common sense (not that I have much, but you get the idea). It was almost like a feel-good test. Like after you do it, you feel good about yourself for the rest of the day.

Mm yeah, great feeling, that.

Stayed back and helped strip bottles and paint banners with a bunch of people for the house carnival on Friday. Now I know for sure that Aisyah is always hungry, 'cause she kept saying she was.

All right, feeling sleepy, so I be off now.


P.S. Do you want to know what's annoying? Our hostel Internet connection, that's what.

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