Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Taking a break from Bio (I take too many breaks, actually) to come here and blog.

Didn't post yesterday because I was tired. What is this. It's only the start of the week. I'm supposed to be feeling refreshed and alive from the weekend, but instead I feel worse and with every passing hour I wish it were the weekend again.

But then again, I wish it wouldn't be, so then deadlines wouldn't seem so close.

But then again, we'd be over with a Cell Bio quiz, Chem test, and a Physics test which I am deathly afraid of failing.

Oh insecurities.

Help me.

Spent yesterday with girls, because that's what I do, I'm a girl and I have to hang out with girls sometimes. Got nothing done. Have a Physics report to write. I'm rambling. My mind is in a state of "what are you doing get back to studying but oh no I think I'm pushing myself into overdrive you're an idiot for procrastinating".

Oh yeah talk about stress.

E-learning today, so no school. Spent most of my time on the internet, which I guess fulfills that requirement. Thankful for the massive cut-down of workload from last year's e-learning, but that just gives us more of an excuse to go online and slack.

Tried to film. Tried. Did. Took a forever. Laptop dying. Brain dying. Can't talk in proper sentences.

I'm scared.

Of failure.


See you.

I've got meiotic and mitotic processes to familiarise myself with.

P.S. Why do I keep feeling as if I'm missing out on something? Constantly. I don't know why. It's like I'm forgetting something but I don't know what.

P.P.S. Congratulations to my aunt and uncle for the safe delivery of their latest baby. She's going to be adorable and awesome, I swear.

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