Like, wow.
Malay is haunting me. Following me wherever I go, as a reminder that I pretty much suck at it. *sigh*
Other people start their MOCK this week, give or take a few days. Our PMB qualifying is waaaaay over in early August. Gives us more time to prepare, and that's a good thing. Today's the first day of the third term, or "a very important term for you all" as Ms Ivy put it during our assembly this morning.
Time to be serious, they say. I thought we could study without being serious. I like fun. *stating the obvious*
'Cher Sofy made us stay back for extra class on the first day of school. I know she cares about us getting A1s and stuff, so I can't really complain.
"Hey, you got through PSR," I keep reminding myself. Surely it can't be as bad as that? Our first public exam. The one that decided whether you'd end up in MS or not. The one whereafter you'd leave your old school or have your classmates shuffled. The one where you gain experience and become older and more subject to stress. It marks that point in life where you become a "teenager" and adults everywhere label you as "stubborn" and where opposing their propositions "comes with that age" and not "naughty" anymore.
I wonder what will happen after PMB. Another turning point, I guess. I hope not though. I'm pretty happy with life the way it is now.
I had always thought that being successful in life was to be able to do the things you enjoy and not have to go through work you didn't like to do. Only then I realised that if you wanted to do that, you actually had to work first. Study hard, secure good job, retire rich. Without the studying, without the job (urgh, work), you don't have the money to be able to do what you want.
Unless you're extremely talented, and one-of-a-kind, like those sports people, or artists. But the chances of that happening are very slim, so it's best you work hard now if you don't make the cut in your music industry or whatever.
Or whatever.
Oh, and one thing, PSR had five subjects. PMB has eight.