Monday, June 30, 2008

Or whatever.

Friendster is now in Malay?
Like, wow.

Malay is haunting me. Following me wherever I go, as a reminder that I pretty much suck at it. *sigh*

Other people start their MOCK this week, give or take a few days. Our PMB qualifying is waaaaay over in early August. Gives us more time to prepare, and that's a good thing. Today's the first day of the third term, or "a very important term for you all" as Ms Ivy put it during our assembly this morning. 

Time to be serious, they say. I thought we could study without being serious. I like fun. *stating the obvious*

'Cher Sofy made us stay back for extra class on the first day of school. I know she cares about us getting A1s and stuff, so I can't really complain.

"Hey, you got through PSR," I keep reminding myself. Surely it can't be as bad as that? Our first public exam. The one that decided whether you'd end up in MS or not. The one whereafter you'd leave your old school or have your classmates shuffled. The one where you gain experience and become older and more subject to stress. It marks that point in life where you become a "teenager" and adults everywhere label you as "stubborn" and where opposing their propositions "comes with that age" and not "naughty" anymore.

I wonder what will happen after PMB. Another turning point, I guess. I hope not though. I'm pretty happy with life the way it is now.

I had always thought that being successful in life was to be able to do the things you enjoy and not have to go through work you didn't like to do. Only then I realised that if you wanted to do that, you actually had to work first. Study hard, secure good job, retire rich. Without the studying, without the job (urgh, work), you don't have the money to be able to do what you want. 
Unless you're extremely talented, and one-of-a-kind, like those sports people, or artists. But the chances of that happening are very slim, so it's best you work hard now if you don't make the cut in your music industry or whatever.

Or whatever.

Oh, and one thing, PSR had five subjects. PMB has eight.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pesta Sukan Kebangsaan ke-VIII Closing Ceremony

After watching our matches from the first two days on video, the guys carried the television outside to wait for Coach nim's husband to pick it (and her) up. Don't let them fool you, there's nothing on T.V.

Furthest away from camera to nearest, left to right: Arif (doing the 'peace' sign), Yazid (pointing), Ain (in front of Yazid), Lorena (behind Afeah), Afeah, Fatullah, Zul (half-hidden), Choo, Azrul (covering mouth), Hidayah and finally, Saiful. Sabumnim and Coach nim are in the background.

This lot love to pose for photos. When you want to take a picture of three, you end up taking thirty. I love this pic. It's damn funny.

I'm going to miss the guys a lot, even though we're meeting up at the gym again on Thursday. I'm also going to miss the Temburong people. They're a cool bunch. I like them.
The only reasons why I went to the closing ceremony yesterday was to see them for a last time before they returned home and because our coaches asked us to. Not many of us showed up though.

Hazwani and I were the only Taekwondo people for Tutong. Rezam, Arif and Choo didn't go. They should have. It was boring without them. Not to mention very hot.

The Brunei Muara people had fun though. Their picture is in today's Borneo Bulletin. I told you they love photo-taking sessions. 

We got our black-belt certificates, too. Awesome.

While we waited for the very last events to finish, we saw these guys run the 5000 m finals. One askar guy, he lapped the backmarkers twice. Someone came up with the idea of getting him to autograph our shoes, but we didn't get the chance.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tuition prevents me from watching F1. =(

Even though we get a lot of homework, the word 'homework' has no freaking plural. Okay? I hate it every time I see or hear the word 'homeworks'. Pisses me off. I don't know why, though.

I'm still very behind. All I've got left now is to read up for a test we have tomorrow and to finish of IRK questions. I've got five note/textbooks but not one of them has the answer I want. The answer, I think, is in the sixth book, which is downstairs. Somehow I can't seem to go and get it but remain here and blog. 

Bad, very bad. 

Anyway, that KB girl I was against punched me in the eye. Bleh. *sticks tongue out*

Afeah/Nureen was awfully disappointed 'cause she didn't get to KO anyone. Her opponent backed out of the finals because of a foot injury. She had to limp up the podium to get her silver medal. 
Yazid beat sir Raub with his mother shouting from the seats, "Yazid! Hantam ia wah!" *shudders*
Both of them (Afeah and Yazid) have their photos in the Miri newspaper. Nice.

Lorena kicked made a punching bag out of her opponent, a KB-ian called Masyitah. Scary. 

Rezam made the headlines of the Brunei Times with "Injured Shahrezam claims gold" after beating Arif. Hahah. Funny. He claims the newspaper made parts up. I know that. Newspapers were never really reliable. The Borneo Bulletin doesn't even publish F1 news anymore. Not even MotoGP. Sucks.

Arif, in his first match, played against an ABDB fighter. A majority of ABDB people did silat, and coincidentally so did Arif. Both of them circled the court and made silat gestures. We had trouble deciding whether to laugh or to throw something at Arif and remind him it was Taekwondo, not silat. 
Coach nim kept telling him, "Arif, bukan silat!"

From Menglait, I think all of us got medals. That's cool.

Friday, June 27, 2008

PSK '08 Taekwondo Day 3

So today I gained at least ten bruises, a sprained finger and a silver medal.

Lorena is ganas, yo.

I have trouble typing right now, so I will leave the details for tomorrow.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

PSK '08 Taekwondo Day 2

Don't be nervous (like Coach Nim says). Don't think (like sa bum nim says). Don't hesitate (like Arif says). It's gold or nothing (like sir Raub says). Go for it.

Give it my all. I will. A match with no regrets is a good match. Yeah.

Tomorrow. Besok, yo. 

Get rest. Must be in good condition.

Today was a dark day for the Menglait group (Tutong, Brunei Muara and part of Temburong).

Nicholas lost to that cheating ABDB guy by penalties. Like, what the hell?

Raihan lost in the finals.

Izzat lost in his finals too.

Saiful lost in the semis. *sigh* You broke your brother's heart, man. But lawa. Good play.

I'm speaking in short spurts because I will fight tomorrow.

Fighting has no need for fancy long sentences.

Just get to the point. *pow!*

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PSK '08 Taekwondo Day 1

Congratulations to all today's medal winners. (Ain for her gold, and Fatullah for his.)

And to Fara, because even though she didn't beat that KB girl, she tried her best and got a bronze.
Also to Choo, because he should've won and the referees are idiots (whoops no offence, please give me lots of points for Friday). This left Tutong with only a bronze so far. *sigh*

MS ABDB are big jerks when it comes to cheering. They boo and insult their opponents. Pfft.

Oh, and the PSK song is annoying.

And why do the referees have to wear yellow? It's hideous.

Five of us Tutong people shared lunch with the Brunei Muaras 'cause we thought we didn't get any. Half an hour after eating, our Tutong coach comes with a bag of styrofoam boxes. Oops. 
We got free bottles of water, too. Sorta makes up for those tracksuits...

I'm tired. Have to wake up early (for school holidays, 5.30 am is waaaay too early for my liking) again tomorrow.

Catch ya later.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I need more water!

I never would've believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself.

Lorena, Hazwani, Ain, Afeah and I seriously didn't believe it. 
Drink lots of water, they said. After the first test weigh-in, we were still incredibly short of a kilogram or two. So we drank. And drank, and drank.

After five (small) bottles of water and two trips to the toilet later, I had gone up three kilograms in three hours. How cool was that? 
The awful thing was we had to keep in our pee for like, ages. Pure agony. Now I know why Saiful stuck to a whole packet of chocolate and junk food. He had enough weight anyway, he just wanted to eat. 

The KB-ians and Temburong people came in and had these super confused expressions on their faces. Had they come to the right place? If yes, then why were these girls sitting here and taking bites out of bananas and drinking for dear life?
It was fun. Three Temburong girls joined us in our "banana festival". Lorena and I brought bananas. The rest had chocolate and biscuits. Mmm. It was a funny though, 'cause some of us *cough Fatullah cough Raihan* had to lose weight and had to resist our little party. Hahah. Awesome.

But after the weigh-in, we ran to the nearest toilet to relieve ourselves. It's not easy, holding in all that water. Now we feel sick and heavy and need to lose weight. Which meant skipping. Meh. I'm not good at skipping. 

Ah, fun morning.

Tomorrow's the start of the competition. Fara's going bye (which means she doesn't have to compete in the first round, lucky) and everyone has to go and watch (and provide support. I haven't made that banner yet...).

I'm on the last day. Pretty nervous. Lorena says I'm against this KB girl. She's also against a KB girl, but this one got a silver medal in the Sukma selections a few months ago. Scary. 

Good luck, guys. All the best. Tutong people please beat the Brunei Muara people, Temburong people, and KB-ians. Also, if that's not possible, please let Menglait people win so Coach nim will lanja us one day if she feels happy with the results.

I did my Commerce today. Yep, a pretty big accomplishment. And half my History. We're going to RBAC again tomorrow at 7 in the morning for some early light training. Stretching that early makes you feel like you're a piece of old, forgotten gum that's lost its stretchability. 

Oh, and thanks to Choo for buying us those bottles of water (which mysteriously disappeared during the weigh-in).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Peel banana!

Peel banana, peel peel banana..!
Shake banana, shake shake banana..!
Chop banana, chop chop banana..!
Fry banana, fry fry banana..!
...Nah, pisang goreng.

Lorena and Fara started doing that little "peel banana" number after training. Hahaha. 

Our coaches were asking us to stuff ourselves tonight. Now I can't move much 'cause I'm so bloated. Urgh.

Us "underweight" went to weight ourselves this afternoon. I think we all still need to gain weight. Hazwani needs to kilograms. I need two too. 

We had the chance to spy on the Temburong Taekwondo team. I won't risk any comments though.
I'm very tired, so excuse me if I'm not making any sense.

Have you seen Brunei's weather reports lately? It's like RTB's copying foreigners with their weather reporters' extremely perky ways of letting you know cold showers are expected early morning and the way they smile too widely and use those hand gestures. 
It's disturbing. I prefer the old days (last week, maybe) when they just showed you a map of Brunei with weather symbols and told you what was going to happen off-screen.

My rabbit chased a cat. It was the strangest sight thus far this week. That cat won't go away to tend to her kittens (who we think she gave birth to somewhere) and keeps eating rabbit food. I really don't like this cat. 
So I was trying to get my bunny to go back into her cage when the cat (who had been following me all this time) came and started mewing. Then it got the fright of its life when it got chased by hopping (mad) fat lump of grey. Awesome.

Who said rabbits were nice little creatures? Well, they are, in general, but take a look at Bugs Bunny. 

"What's up, Doc?"

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pesta Sukan Kebangsaan ke-VIII Opening Ceremony

My phone started working properly while I was watching F1 qualifying just now. Ferrari one-two. Hamilton 13th. Yes.

This is how much homework I have to do. I'm not even half done. Not even a quarter.

Down here is my view of the opening ceremony. Nice, right? Just heads and blue jackets. No wonder I couldn't see a thing. I was facing the other way anyway. So the sun wasn't in my eyes. I think I got sunburnt, but we'll have to wait till tomorrow morning to find out. Speaking of which, we have training at 8.30 am. Excellent.

This is the lot of smoke they released. Pollution? You decide.

Then we have the balloons. Looks like a new species of coloured fly if you ask me. 

And here's a close-up of my jacket. Go Daerah Tutong!
Just so you know, I don't feel so bad after all. Tutong's okay.

Water and bananas.

My phone's bluetooth has gone all cacat. It keeps giving me "sending failed" after I press the "send" button. I don't even have to select the bluetooth option. This meants I can't send the photos I took this afternoon to my computer so I can upload 'em here. 

See? I'm such a nice person. Taking all the trouble to do that so you guys can have a glimpse of the PSK opening ceremony. *cough*

So, PSK opening ceremony.

- Spent the whole morning wondering whether my dubok (that's uniform to you) would fit in my bag of not. Guess what? It did.

- With that matter resolved, I arrived at the Stadium to find myself the only person wearing the Tutong tracksuit among us TKD people. Luckily Khairul came five minutes later, so he could join me in being a Tutong representative. Then we stuffed all our stuff in Rezam's car, because we had nowhere to leave our bags and duboks.

- Then sabumnim showed up, wearing this real cool red T-shirt. He cracked a few jokes, and made us make a few phone calls to the people who hadn't shown up yet. Choo didn't come 'cause he was in Temburong doing some...thing. According to Lorena. I can't remember. Speaking of Temburong, we didn't see Nicholas anywhere. 

- Us Tutong folk got separated from the Brunei Muara lot 'cause we followed sir Rauf and got lost. We stood outside the restaurant for an awful long time.

- After we found our place somewhere in the Tutong group, we followed the Brunei Muara and Belait contingents into the Stadium, where it was hotter than ever. At least it was a bit cloudy. Tutong tracksuits are hot (here meaning panas) and Brunei Muara get caps. Meh. Makes us all more envious. Half of us rolled up our sleeves and unzipped our jackets. Lorena and Fara kept telling me their tracksuits were cooler than mine (which is damn true). I retaliated by telling them my tracksuit actually fit me, 'cause Brunei Muara tracksuits are big and saggy. With the caps worn backwards, it couldn't made the whole group look like a bunch of lost rappers. All that was missing there was the bling.

- So inside, it was hot, stuffy, and we suffered a speech and lack of oxygen. 

- After totally ignoring a speech made by the guest of honour who wasn't looking at us at all (instead the guy was facing some other direction with his back towards us) and messing up the ikrar, there was an unseen (by me) performance. Some other things happened while Arif teased Hazwani about her PSK pass photo and I tried to stay as cool as possible (both temperature-wise and image-wise, of course). I swear it was hot.

- We had to walk past dozens of cameras and cameramen (and women) to get out of the Stadium and join the other TKD people. They kept telling us we were sesat. Hmph. Yeah, whatever, guys. 

- Following our brief "reunion" (where Arif resorted to looking into our pockets for his "adik Saipol" 'cause Saiful was representing Brunei Muara and we laughed at the girl guides for some reason), we split up and met up again at Menglait for training. That was seriously tiring. An hour standing, half an hour in the sun followed by training is not good. Fara, Wani and I took advantage of Safiana's driving license and car and made her drive us there. No, we weren't that bad. She offered.

- Coach nim weighed us after training. I have to put on 1.5 kg before Tuesday or I get disqualified. Lorena has to put on 1 kg. After all this time watching my diet, I'm finally free to eat as much as possible. I hope I don't fall ill though. Sabumnim told us to drink lots of water and eat bananas. Hmmmm.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I've found a new addiction: crossword puzzles.

I really shouldn't be playing, but I think I have an excuse. I'm improving my vocabulary. Yeah, that's it. Talk about lame excuses.

We got our tracksuits today. Tutong and Brunei Muara. Tutong's tracksuits are blue and have PSK and GHK's logo on them, with the words "Daerah Tutong" at the back. Brunei Muara's are some off-greenish colour (I'm trying to sound biased here, 'cause I'm representing Tutong) and they've got black caps. 
Tutong's tracksuits leave bits of blue fluff everywhere. 
It's going to be strange tomorrow, during the opening. Only a handful of us have been shoved off the represent Tutong, 'cause it doesn't have enough people. It's a bit sad, isn't it?

I feel sorta disappointed in myself today. I didn't fight enough when we were kicking the punching bags. Exhaustion is irrelevant. Just beat the hell out of that punching bag. 

Oh, and I still need to do my homework.

I finally remembered to bring that book for Fatehah this afternoon. 'Pure Dead Wicked' by Debi Gliori. Love the series. Awesome, funny, and "ada suspense". Brilliant plot and characters, too.

I wonder where Tira gets all that patience to train her Pokemon. I just use whatever I get my hands on and pretty much ignore the untrained ones. 


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Say what?

Let's celebrate. I've finished my Maths homework.

Now I've got the rest to do, which is...a lot. Boo.

It's like I've been talking about nothing but PSK for the past few days. Oops, 'm s'rry.

But I really got nothing to type 'bout.

'Cept, maybe, please waste your time checking this out: 50 Best Websites of 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eye problem.

Why is my iPod playing all Japanese songs in a row? 
Hmm. It's got a mind of its own.

I got my black belt today. Along with the rest of the people who went for the grading and who took the "express route". Very siuk and awkward. The belts are very thick and heavy. Not to mention long. But they're cool. And authentic. Apparently my name's written on one side in Korean, but since I can't read Korean it could say anything for all I know. Like "asshole". I should definitely trust those people over at Korea and my coach, so it says "Lim Ya Wen". Hella cool!

The other side says "Brunei Darussalam" in sweet, golden letters. Ahh...

My house has become like a maternity ward for cats. There were two pregnant cats prowling our compound yesterday and one gave birth this morning under my mum's car. The cat took two kittens with her and left the third. After I half-dragged it out with a broom and plucked red ants off it, it died a few hours later. Pretty sad.

I wonder, can dead kittens come back to haunt you?
The thing was smaller than a rat, and still had its umbilical cord attached. I feel so depressed thinking about it. It was cute... when it was alive. 


That's life, huh? When you live, you know for sure you're gonna die one day.
So when you live life, live it to the fullest, 'cause every day could be your last. 

Not that I meant anything by that. Don't take it to heart.

I can't concentrate on doing my homework. I wonder why...

My dad bought my brother an electric car yesterday. Pfft. So spoilt. And this shows my brother is a terrible driver. He crashes into everything, if not anything. 
Don't tell anyone, but I drove it too, even though it was five sizes too small for me. =)
I want to go karting one day. That would be awesomely fun.

The closest thing I've driven to a car is probably a bumper car. That's a bit sad, innit?

Before I forget, I went to the eye clinic this afternoon, and got told by my aunt and uncle's friend both my eyes haven't deteriorated over the last six months.
That's good news. 

And I don't need glasses. Yes!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

World Taekwondo Federation. WTF.

I still have no idea where my pick is! This sucks, man. Sucks big time.

Last time I saw it it was on my table, then *poof* it's gone. It makes you realise how much you miss something after it's been under your nose all the time but never needed it and then disappears. Did that make sense? I guess not.
In other words, you don't miss anything till it's too late.

I still want my subwoofer to work... I miss heavy bass.

I chose nasi lemak over fried kuay tiaw (sp?) for lunch just now 'cause my maid's back in Indonesia and I don't want to do any washing up.

There's nothing I like more than the smell of good food. Honestly. When you're hungry, cold and tired, and you step into a bakery, that's like heaven. And if you got money, all the better. Unless there's a plate of hot food waiting for you at home, you wouldn't want to spoil your appetite or anything like that.
What did Remy from 'Ratatouille' say?
"Don't just eat, taste."
Don't just look, see.
Don't just hear, listen.
Like in class, when whatever a teacher is teaching goes in one ear and out the other. 

PSK is in a week. I'm nervous. I don't want to fight Lorena. She's scary. Ganas, yo. 

I know I'm not supposed to be scared. I'm not. Just... nervous, anxious and really shaky right now.
Coach nim told me I was going for 'bantam'. 51-fifty something kg. I weigh less than that, but I guess there are too many people in flyweight already. Aaargh.
Also, we're supposed to rest up and do light training until the competition next week, where we give our all. And try to kick butt. (though kicking butt does not earn you any points)

There's a $100 award for gold medallists. That makes us want it more. Oh gold. I want to win you. Slim chance, slim chance.

But still a chance all the same. 

I've got three different bruises on my left foot. And they all suck. 
And my brother bit me on the arm last night. It makes wearing arm guards uncomfortable.


Crap crap crap.

Mmm yeah. 

I need to get myself a pair of gloves so I won't break my fingers.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

You don't know till you've felt it.

Why does it take so long to upload pics here?

I was going to show you guys the whole mountain range of homework I have compared to the single mountains we got last year.

'Nyway, we (sorta) celebrated Father's Day today by going out for lunch at some place called 'Kaizen Sushi' opposite Icklebook's with my uncle, aunt and Nate. Sorry to say, their food tasted terrible and too salty for my liking. 'Excapade' is much better, not only in terms of food, but because the place is less cramped and it hires locals, like Hui Yaw (who told me never to go to Excapade because she works there and doesn't want me to see her working. I went anyway, and she kicked me out. After I had paid, of course).
Nathan is such a gentle, sincere little boy. Unlike his cousin. *cough my brother cough* But there was this funny incident this afternoon. My brother somehow tripped over a ball, hit his head and started crying. Then Nate picked up the ball and gave it to him after he stopped crying. Yong looked at Nate and started crying again. We think he was very touched or something.
Call us bad people, but we laughed. Hahahah. Just like that.

I picked up a copy of 'Sabriel' and a thick 'Spiderwick' book (it's a compilation of all five) at the bookstore, and my dad got himself 'The History of The Hobbit 1 & 2' just to distract me from studying. This always happens. He always buys me books when exams are drawing near just to test my patience. It feels awful to be torn. To know you have two books you want to read waiting for you downstairs is complete agony. I've been waiting for 'Sabriel' for many weeks now...

Isaac has grown since I last saw him (obviously). They call him "Zac-zac", is very cute, and has a perpetual frown. I should have taken a picture of him looking constantly worried, but oh well. Never mind.

I need to write out my English summary now. 

Training again tomorrow.

One step closer to PSK (less than two weeks) and PMB qualifying (less than seven weeks).

Oh God.

I'm scared. 

I still can't turning kick properly.
It's like crap, man. I know how to do it slowly, but when I speed up it goes wrong.
But there's no use in complaining, is there? You know what they say,

Practice makes perfect.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's all commercialism.

I must really tell you "pea-pol" to stop sending me spam advertising cheap 'Viagra'. 

It doesn't really feel like the last day of school today. The constant thought of PMB qualifying is always there at the back my head, like a cow heading for an abattoir. 
We've got piles and piles of homework. It never came across my mind that this much homework was possible to give. Each teacher thinks they give us "a bit", but it all adds up to a huge mountain of books and paper.

And it's Father's Day tomorrow. Crap, man. I haven't made anything yet. My brother has this car-shaped card his preschool teacher made, and I got nothing. Hm.
Usually, Mother's Day is celebrated more than Father's Day. I wonder why.
Also, it's wrong to just appreciate your parents only on Father's Day or Mother's day. It's all commercialism. *sticks tongue out*
And don't use this as an excuse not to get your parents anything. It's up to you, really, and leave me out of this if you get into trouble.

We experienced two kinds of "ceramah"s today. One was the dull, boring, but thankfully short one, and the other was the entertaining, interesting but terribly majal one. 
I'm having trouble deciding which was better. 

Lorena and I wanted to call the police this afternoon 'cause Izzan took my phone and miss-called random people in my contacts list. Nadia, I want to file a complaint concerning your little brother, aka "Grandpa" Izzan (we asked him how old he was and he said, "Ninety-two.").
Anyway, it was 'cause that majal police guy so conveniently let us know this morning that if you shook your fist at someone in a threatening manner, it was considered a "kes jenayah". Awesome.
Everyone was kinda looking forward to the police lecture on this jenayah thing after the (no offence) weird religious talk on "pergaulan bebas". I think it turned out to be a mistake. We were enthusiastically (with a capital 'E') shown pictures of dead people, cut up dead people, and how people died. 
I really felt sick.
I wonder if forensic scientists have nightmares every night, or not.

As I say, life gets weirder every day.

PMB year sucks right now.

I want to do my homework, but I left my pencil case downstairs. The one with the bunnies on it. I got it free after buying ten packs of rabbit food from a pet store. Pet Link? I can't remember which.
I love my Scuffles.

My guitar is still in the possession of that guy and apparently he's out of the country right now. Like, what the hell? (whoops, said a bad word there. Don't tell on me. ;-) ) Yes, I know he's a busy man, yadda yadda, but it's not right.


I'm in the mood to ramble on and on and on so forgive me.

I wish I had soundproof walls and a working subwoofer. And that I had a good electric guitar. And a punching bag. And a pair of gloves and shin guards of my own. 
I wish I knew the name of the place of where I got for tuition.

Hmm... be careful what you wish for..?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jumaat the tiga belas.

Fast post fast post fast post tonight, 'cause I had the time to search one of my fave sites for Stop And Stare chords this afternoon and want to play some more.

Music is an addiction. I always "over-play" when I have to study. 

Today is Friday the thirteenth. I love these days. I'm not saying I'm one to enjoy the misfortune others suffer, or that I think people who take extra care on such days are idiots, but it's just cool.
I was born on a Saturday. But if it were a day earlier it wouldn't be a thirteenth anymore.

I believe there is no such thing as an accident. I'm not sure why, but it seems reasonable. Everything seems to happen for some reason or another. Like that fateful day when I auditioned for some occasion I didn't have a clue about...

By the way, I can't find my pick. Again. I even took the trouble and cleaned up my cluttered desk with hope of seeing that triangle of brown again. I don't know why I misplace my picks all the time. I found another one though. One of the thick 'Epiphone' picks that came with my dad's bass. 
Since I figured my most favoured pick would turn up some other time, I used another purple pick. 
Purple pick. 

My arm hurts. Stephanie and Izzah kept poking one of my bruises (that one on the arm) again and again and again because they have itchy hands.
I want to give Izzah fifty thousand push-ups for that.
And I must remember to pass Fatehah that book she wants to borrow from me. 

I suffer from memory loss.

P.S. Today I started BM tuition. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but slightly awkward. Can't even remember the name of the place.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"All the world's a stage." - Shakespeare

One of the things I don't regret in life is that I bought OneRepublic's album last year. I really like their songs, and I know they're a talented bunch. I'd like to meet Ryan Tedder in person one day. Really.

So... Feels like the holidays have started, but nyeh, there's still one more day of schooling left. Since it hasn't happened yet, I get the privilege of wondering what it'd be like. Rumour has it that there's going to be a cleaning campaign. I like those when we get the skip class *cough history cough* and play around. What wouldn't be good is if we're asked to "cuci jamban- sorry, tandas". Our principal has threatened us a few days ago with locking up the toilets if we don't show them some respect or stop scribbling on their walls. Aw... Poor toilets.

Well, back on topic. I thought I was in big trouble today, 'cause it was either I was real tired last night, or that I just don't pay attention in class, and I went ahead and did the rumusan instead of the "rangka" only. But guess what? For once, that tiresome PA system brought us good news: we got to skip BM and all our other classes. 
Somehow though, I keep forgetting 'cher Sofy has to come to class for registration, and it also slips my mind that she's in the class. So I said, "Yesss!! No class!" real loud and she gave me "that look". You know, the one that shows the wearer is probably thinking, "O-kayy, you're weird and doing something I would never do."

I'd like to talk about our Environmental dramas, but since I know most of my readers have seen it and may find it boring serta ('cause Cikgu Ramlah says you can't have two "dan"s in one sentence) sketches aren't as funny when described than when seen in person, I won't.

What I will do is note some things...

- As always, Ian's piano playing is near flawless.

- 'Father Earth' is my bus-mate.

- I didn't know Myra voiced one of the sock puppets and made it sing "No Air".

- Cardboard televisions are all the rage. Have you noticed?

- I love solving riddles. I had the answer.

- Tyrant is one of my favourite OneRepublic songs.

- Barney is a gay paedophile.

- 'Paper Doll 4' is out. I'm going to read it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mister Pizza.

Yes, we know, pizza's good. Call now!

I wonder what the problem is with my phone camera. I can't seem to get the settings right, hence the blurry pics. 
Anyway, this is us after Coach nim 'lanja-ed us pizza after training yesterday. This adds up to an equation: 6 large pizzas + group of hungry people = gone in five minutes.
Pizza is Taekwondo approved. 
I think our coach is trying to get us to put on weight or something. I don't know, but at least it tastes good. I want to call this 'Mister Pizza' guy and ask him to pay for these pictures. Good advertising, you know.

This training stuff keeps me really behind on homework, but it's fun. I have two 'rumusans' to do due tomorrow, and I'm not caring. Wait wait, I do care! I don't want Cikgu Ramlah to give us the cold shoulder again.
I've also got a new collection of bruises from our sparring session just now. Ah. 
Glad we wear those (stinky) shin and arm guards. 
Gym tomorrow. 

I keep telling myself, "birth cert number, birth cert number," because for some strange reason, we need our birth certificate numbers to make a new library card. Hmm. These guys need a reality check. Birth certs are so not cool enough nowadays. Hahah.

You know there's this new thing Syaz and I say. Some people say "mmkay" and some say "bah", we say, "mm bah."
Speaking of Syaz, someone got first runner up for the Poetry Competition. She's so nervous about going up on stage tomorrow to get her prize, but I told her to relax, 'cause it ain't such a big deal. Just don't trip, k? 'Cause that would be very embarrassing indeed. No pressure, no pressure. 

Oh, and I bought a plant. Adopt-a-Plant is just too cute to be ignored. Syahirah went and bought a cactus. Those are seriously dangerous, just in case you didn't know that. ;-)

Whatever else I wanted to or want to talk about I can't recall, so I guess they have to wait for next time, if ever. 

Pantun deciphering awaits me. Adieu.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Kung Fu Panda.

I like apple pie. It good.

Also, if I were to sum up my life as of today with one word, I'd use "busy" or "hectic" and definitely not "mundane".

Science TT4 is in two days and I got absolutely no time to study for it. I know it's "really important" and it counts a lot, but meh.

I want to beat Fazrul. Must. Beat. Monkey boy. 

I can't believe our averages are so close. I need to be more hardworking. I will never let it down if he beats me again. Maybe apart from BM, because I know how terrible my Malay is and has probably zero chance of getting good marks. *sigh*

Yesterday I watched 'Kung Fu Panda' with Wan, Faiza, Neko and her brothers. Wani's brother is absolutely adorable.
Listen to the critics, it's a good movie. Must watch. It's got all my requirement factors in it: humour, martial arts, and animated animals. Niiice.

Oh, and guess who we saw at Seri Q-lap? None other than our beloved Cikgu Haiseh. Now ain't that simply awesome? She was out with her family watching 'Kung Fu Panda' too. And then we saw her again at Jollibee. She scares me.

I didn't watch the '08 Montreal F1 race. One in the morning? No thank you.
So I checked the internet, my favourite source of news. Hamilton crashed into Kimi during yesterday's race.
My mum came up with this funny theory that Kimi's been cursed by the Indian people, 'cause he crashed into Adrian Sutil driving a 'Force India' car last race. Sure, Sutil was driving the best race ever for himself and his team, but to resort to that? Hahah.

Anyway, MS officially launched it's "Environmental Week" today. This oughta be fun. I think.
There's all sorts of weird "environmental-y" stuff, like Adopt-a-Plant (very cute plant, I must admit) and those Super Bin people or whatever you call 'em.

Once again I pass this now overused and damn conventional message: Recycle or die.

Wh-oops, sorry, wrong message. I was gonna say "Practice the three Rs for a better future!", but meh, never mind.

Science TT4 + fatigue + can't remember anything else to blog about = going off.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


My putty dude is here to issue a warning:

DO NOT touch the corners of your History test paper. 

Thank you.

It seems like we'd all forgotten about last year's episode, where Cikgu Ruzidah wanted to check our POST diaries and we saw her doing the "finger-to-tongue-and-turn-page" thing. *shudders*
She told us to read up on Nationalism in Thailand while she checked our marks. "Beep beep beep", we heard. Our heads turned. I looked at Syaz. "What the hell is that?" I mouthed.
She glanced sideways at our History teacher. So did I. And then I realised: she was using one of those high-pitch "beep-y" calculators. I assume there's also an option to turn the sound off, but she's ignoring it. It's very disturbing, the way she tends to smile at our papers. Urgh.

PSK is in what? Three weeks?
Oh God. I'm going to lose this thing.

Coach nim told us if we didn't get either a gold or a silver.... I can't remember. All I heard was that we had to get either a gold or silver.

Oh, by the way, 'cher Sofy has found a new word to match "unethical".

Quote: "This is considered cheating. It is very immoral.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Accident Prone.

The Sims 2 is advertising a new expansion pack to go along with the previous seven. University, Nightlife, Open For Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Free Time.

This (Apartment Life) is a sure sign of a 'The Sims 3", because once they come up with that many expansion packs, not to mention the stuff packs, you know EA and Maxis and whoever produces these games are looking for more income while they work on a sequel. This also means I'm not buying any of the new EPs (that's expansion packs to you) to save up for 'The Sims 3'.

This morning, when I woke up, I thought I could get a bit more sleep. But my mum came to knock on my door and make me get dressed so we could all go to UBD's 5th Science and Technology Week.
I go every year, and they show almost the same stuff. But I'm glad I went anyway. I got this putty face from that (slightly show-off) guy at the OGDC booth for solving five of their puzzles. Me, along with the other people, were sitting there for ages trying to get the rings out of pieces of metal or trying to stack shapes to make them fit in somewhere. It was fun.

Then realised I forgot to bring my PSK form when I arrived at the Stadium, so I had to make a few phone calls. I keep forgetting things, nowadays. Hm.
Swimming was fun. I hadn't swam for years. I've actually forgotten how to do it, believe it or not. People say when you know how to swim, you never forget, but I think they're wrong.
Like when you don't ride a bike for a long time, and when you think you remember how to do a sharp turn, you don't. Both bicycle and yourself end up crashing into a wall or drain or whatever you were trying to avoid.

Now I need to read my Commerce. *sigh*

I wish we could refer to our notes tomorrow, but meh, 'cher Sofy's getting strict. I guess she wants us all to "pass with distinction". Have you seen the statistics board opposite the (school) library? 99.5% or something of all Commerce students get "credit and above" compared to a teeny amount of Computer students. Pretty sad.

Maybe it's that we all love money. One example is Syahirah, whenever she does Maths, she gets stuck, but when you give her a question involving foreign exchange or loan interest, she can do it. Weird. 

Okay, I really have to read my Commerce. Banking and advertising. 

A bit contradictory, isn't it? 

One's on various forms of saving money, and the other one is on various forms on how to get people to spend it.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

EnvironMental Day.

The only teacher who teaches us now who can say my name right is Cikgu Ramlah. 
Isn't that sad? After like, two years, we gave up correcting 'cher Sofy whenever she says "Ya weeeen".

Syaz and Steph like to tease me about this. That's why I like it when our Geo teacher calls Stephanie "Stepani" and Syazwana "Syas-wana." Hahahah. Thank you, 'cher.

Hey, guess what, it seems like luck is on my side right now. Maz just told me the Singaporean people they're supposed to dance for are coming on Saturday, during break-time instead of today during CCA. Yes! It has been fated for us to watch Maz, Wani and Faizah perform a traditional dance thing on stage. Hah. This is great.

I wanted to skip Photo Editing today for two reasons: my friends weren't going with me, and I thought it would be another dull session.
But hell no, it was actually fun. We cut up pieces of fruits and veggie to design a poster promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables or something like that.
At first we were all cramped around this small, undersized table, staring at a sickly lemon, almost-rotten cabbage, a white carrot nobody dared to taste to make sure it really was a carrot, a measly bunch of grapes Mr Saxon made sure we wouldn't eat, a green pepper, an orange pepper, a cucumber and a stick of celery. I think I may have missed something out, but I doubt that matters.

So we started off a bit rough, but finally got the hang of trying to make all this stuff Sir had salvaged from his refrigerator at home actually look good. Eventually we ran out of time, so we resorted to saving our scanned fruit and veg in this guy's pen drive and hoping he will remember to bring it after the holidays, because the second term holidays start in a week and two days. 

I like holidays. I get more sleep that way.

I want to continue building that unfinished house in my Sims 2. It currently looks like crap, but I think I can touch it up a bit. So far I have walls, a roof, a few steps of stairs, and a tacky floor. Urgh.

I wonder what today's environmental talk was like. Hm. I know for sure it can't have been something as inspiring as Al Gore's masterpiece, 'An Inconvenient Truth', but, meh.

Don't underestimate people, yeah. That's good advice. You know, "advise" and "advice" are different. Which is which? Advise is a verb, advice is a noun. 

Man, I'm such a geek. 

....aren't I?

P.S. Today was the teachers' fitness test. I still can't imagine Cikgu Ruzidah running though. Hmn.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Jumping Backthrust.

Why did you have to save your file as a .wps file? I hate it when Windows doesn't go Mac.


I can't think of things to write about when it's this late. I need sleep. And I forgot to charge the camera. Hold on.

Oh screw it. I didn't use it two weeks ago anyway, so I expect the battery to be full. If it's not, sue me. 
Baoxin and Sil Suan are taking Permainan Tradisi full-time. Which means they're leaving me alone to face Mr Mike Saxon in Photo Editing. Oh M gee.
This sucks, man. Sucks big-time. I also dislike it when they mess up CCA stuff.

Nothing much happened today. Ms Anne got her arm sling off, and Zal, Zimah and I succumbed to the call of paint to get our hands dirty.
I stayed back today, so I'm glad of their company. Thanks, guys. (Zimah, I know you read this blog. *waves*)
Why on earth is the MS Youth Initiative putting all the pressure on my poor classmates (exclude the guys)? They do all the work. It doesn't seem very fair to me.
Anyway, we ran out of brown paint after the brush broke so we used our fingers to mix red, yellow, black and light brown together to create this sort of "Aussie" look. We were tempted to make little Aborigine people and stick them on the thing. But it was for exhibition, so bleh, we didn't do it. Apparently Zal's very stressed about this last-minute thing. I heard she sang about people's butts yesterday and she used her whole hand to mix paint today. Hm. 

Now I really dislike CCA. I want normal lessons, because to be frank, CCA nowadays really sucks. We do nothing for ping-pong but stay in the gym where it's really hot, and photo editing isn't exactly fun anymore.

I'm sleepy. Good night.

And good luck to those going for the grading today (belated greeting. Heh.). Aka Izzah, Fatehah, Nadia, Lorena, etc. 

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

NBD = No Big Deal.

Have you heard about the British tabloid calling My Chemical Romance an " Emo suicide cult group" or something similar along its lines?

Just because your daughter killed herself, Mrs Bond, doesn't mean that you should label MCR as Emo and "dangerous". They never intended for such things. Only your daughter had the smarts enough to go and torture herself "in the way of Emo". Why does 'Emo' even deserve a capital letter? Tell you what: it doesn't. Emo sucks.

Stupid people. 

In dropping the above depressing subject, we visited the Health Fair thing at the Audi today, which helped us skip half of Commerce. The other half was spent lazing about in the library anyway, so I guess 'cher was feeling kind enough.

At the Audi, I got a free packet of 'Koko Krunch' and really confirmed my self-diagnosis of having OCD. I have it, but slightly. Now everyone will know what OCD is without me trying to convince them I seriously do have mental problems.
So I stared at those bottles, and stared...and stared...and stared. They didn't feel right to me. They had to be balanced. One had more liquid than the other and I just had to...

Steph and I met Cikgu Rozidah on the way back to class after staring at all the weird exhibitions of diseases, effects of smoking and brain haemorrhage. 

"Hi 'cher," I say, trying to be polite as she walks past me. She suddenly stops and turns around.
"When do I have extra class with you?"
I look at Steph. "Thursday, 2 to 3," we reply.
"Uh, it's cancelled ah. We have a uh, fitness test for teachers."
I couldn't resist it. "So 'cher, you're running?"
She shuffles, looks slightly embarrassed. "Ah...Yes. But you don't need to tell the others ah. Just let them know no extra class this Thursday."

Isn't that great?

All right, my History is next to me, calling me to write this essay on BARIP. 

See yahs.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Homework is bad for health.

And whoa, it's June already, and...

- My alarm clock's broken. It didn't ring this morning. 

- We still don't have electricity. It's really hot in class. 

- We had extra Commerce today. I don't know what 'cher Sofy said to 'cher Fatimah, but she got 3U to move out of their air-conditioned classroom so we could use it. And she used the back door to go in. Cikgu Rozidah told us the other day to "not use the back door, ah, class, that door is for prayer only."

- Wani and I were wondering why Maz and the rest were lagging more than usual, so we headed over to the gym and saw the problem. We peered behind that thing where you put your bags outside the gym, and had a pair of beady eyes staring back up at us. Talk about "the year of the Rat". Kawaii, yo. Faizah referred to it as "my sayang". Hahah. We're mad.

- They say rats are dirty. But meh. I like 'em. Health talk was okay-ish. Maybe a bit boring. Wash your hands with Clorox and all your problems will be over. Unless it corrodes your skin, but then that's a different story. Personal hygiene, we know how to do that.

- I seriously confused Izzah when I asked about their grading. Whoops. Sorry. I thought it was from today to Wednesday, not today and Wednesday. 

- Teachers are talking about PMB no less than the start of the year. It's always PMB this, PMB that, like they're talking about some obsession they can't get over. Yes, we know you want us to do well, but stop reminding us, thanks.

- I've forgotten all my Form 1 and 2 topics. All I remember is that I got a zero for my calculator page in my Maths EOY paper two years ago. That hurt. But it was kinda funny though. That's why my relationship with my calculator is a bit rocky.

- I can't remember a thing about standard form either.

- I watched 'Water Horse' yesterday. Meh. It wasn't too shabby. I liked Crusoe as a baby because he was cute, and I liked him as an adult because he was cool. 

- Oh, and Ms Anne sprained her shoulder or something because she got into this huge fist fight concerning whether "I was" or "I were" is grammatically correct. Nah, she doesn't lead a life that interesting. She tripped over a bag putting her cat out. *sigh* You teachers need to argue more often. To us students, it's like live television drama. Fun.