Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's all commercialism.

I must really tell you "pea-pol" to stop sending me spam advertising cheap 'Viagra'. 

It doesn't really feel like the last day of school today. The constant thought of PMB qualifying is always there at the back my head, like a cow heading for an abattoir. 
We've got piles and piles of homework. It never came across my mind that this much homework was possible to give. Each teacher thinks they give us "a bit", but it all adds up to a huge mountain of books and paper.

And it's Father's Day tomorrow. Crap, man. I haven't made anything yet. My brother has this car-shaped card his preschool teacher made, and I got nothing. Hm.
Usually, Mother's Day is celebrated more than Father's Day. I wonder why.
Also, it's wrong to just appreciate your parents only on Father's Day or Mother's day. It's all commercialism. *sticks tongue out*
And don't use this as an excuse not to get your parents anything. It's up to you, really, and leave me out of this if you get into trouble.

We experienced two kinds of "ceramah"s today. One was the dull, boring, but thankfully short one, and the other was the entertaining, interesting but terribly majal one. 
I'm having trouble deciding which was better. 

Lorena and I wanted to call the police this afternoon 'cause Izzan took my phone and miss-called random people in my contacts list. Nadia, I want to file a complaint concerning your little brother, aka "Grandpa" Izzan (we asked him how old he was and he said, "Ninety-two.").
Anyway, it was 'cause that majal police guy so conveniently let us know this morning that if you shook your fist at someone in a threatening manner, it was considered a "kes jenayah". Awesome.
Everyone was kinda looking forward to the police lecture on this jenayah thing after the (no offence) weird religious talk on "pergaulan bebas". I think it turned out to be a mistake. We were enthusiastically (with a capital 'E') shown pictures of dead people, cut up dead people, and how people died. 
I really felt sick.
I wonder if forensic scientists have nightmares every night, or not.

As I say, life gets weirder every day.

PMB year sucks right now.

I want to do my homework, but I left my pencil case downstairs. The one with the bunnies on it. I got it free after buying ten packs of rabbit food from a pet store. Pet Link? I can't remember which.
I love my Scuffles.

My guitar is still in the possession of that guy and apparently he's out of the country right now. Like, what the hell? (whoops, said a bad word there. Don't tell on me. ;-) ) Yes, I know he's a busy man, yadda yadda, but it's not right.


I'm in the mood to ramble on and on and on so forgive me.

I wish I had soundproof walls and a working subwoofer. And that I had a good electric guitar. And a punching bag. And a pair of gloves and shin guards of my own. 
I wish I knew the name of the place of where I got for tuition.

Hmm... be careful what you wish for..?

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