Friday, June 20, 2008


I've found a new addiction: crossword puzzles.

I really shouldn't be playing, but I think I have an excuse. I'm improving my vocabulary. Yeah, that's it. Talk about lame excuses.

We got our tracksuits today. Tutong and Brunei Muara. Tutong's tracksuits are blue and have PSK and GHK's logo on them, with the words "Daerah Tutong" at the back. Brunei Muara's are some off-greenish colour (I'm trying to sound biased here, 'cause I'm representing Tutong) and they've got black caps. 
Tutong's tracksuits leave bits of blue fluff everywhere. 
It's going to be strange tomorrow, during the opening. Only a handful of us have been shoved off the represent Tutong, 'cause it doesn't have enough people. It's a bit sad, isn't it?

I feel sorta disappointed in myself today. I didn't fight enough when we were kicking the punching bags. Exhaustion is irrelevant. Just beat the hell out of that punching bag. 

Oh, and I still need to do my homework.

I finally remembered to bring that book for Fatehah this afternoon. 'Pure Dead Wicked' by Debi Gliori. Love the series. Awesome, funny, and "ada suspense". Brilliant plot and characters, too.

I wonder where Tira gets all that patience to train her Pokemon. I just use whatever I get my hands on and pretty much ignore the untrained ones. 


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