Thursday, June 05, 2008

EnvironMental Day.

The only teacher who teaches us now who can say my name right is Cikgu Ramlah. 
Isn't that sad? After like, two years, we gave up correcting 'cher Sofy whenever she says "Ya weeeen".

Syaz and Steph like to tease me about this. That's why I like it when our Geo teacher calls Stephanie "Stepani" and Syazwana "Syas-wana." Hahahah. Thank you, 'cher.

Hey, guess what, it seems like luck is on my side right now. Maz just told me the Singaporean people they're supposed to dance for are coming on Saturday, during break-time instead of today during CCA. Yes! It has been fated for us to watch Maz, Wani and Faizah perform a traditional dance thing on stage. Hah. This is great.

I wanted to skip Photo Editing today for two reasons: my friends weren't going with me, and I thought it would be another dull session.
But hell no, it was actually fun. We cut up pieces of fruits and veggie to design a poster promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables or something like that.
At first we were all cramped around this small, undersized table, staring at a sickly lemon, almost-rotten cabbage, a white carrot nobody dared to taste to make sure it really was a carrot, a measly bunch of grapes Mr Saxon made sure we wouldn't eat, a green pepper, an orange pepper, a cucumber and a stick of celery. I think I may have missed something out, but I doubt that matters.

So we started off a bit rough, but finally got the hang of trying to make all this stuff Sir had salvaged from his refrigerator at home actually look good. Eventually we ran out of time, so we resorted to saving our scanned fruit and veg in this guy's pen drive and hoping he will remember to bring it after the holidays, because the second term holidays start in a week and two days. 

I like holidays. I get more sleep that way.

I want to continue building that unfinished house in my Sims 2. It currently looks like crap, but I think I can touch it up a bit. So far I have walls, a roof, a few steps of stairs, and a tacky floor. Urgh.

I wonder what today's environmental talk was like. Hm. I know for sure it can't have been something as inspiring as Al Gore's masterpiece, 'An Inconvenient Truth', but, meh.

Don't underestimate people, yeah. That's good advice. You know, "advise" and "advice" are different. Which is which? Advise is a verb, advice is a noun. 

Man, I'm such a geek. 

....aren't I?

P.S. Today was the teachers' fitness test. I still can't imagine Cikgu Ruzidah running though. Hmn.

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