Thursday, March 12, 2009


It's 11 p.m and my nose is sending my uncomfortable pangs because I tried to wash cream out of it with soap, and then the soap with water, and now the water's up my nose and it feels like one of my first swimming lessons. (This whole sentence plainly means "I've got water up my nose; I don't like it".)

Since you might be wondering why on earth I would go stuffing cream up my nose, I didn't. 

Long story short, we planned a surprise birthday celebration for Feyra (our senior), hid in the bushes next to the canteen and then waited for Jung Min to chase after her with a can of whatchamacallit-novelty-spray with the strands of long, neon pink, probably-synthetic material.
Then we ate the cupcakes Emily bought (remind me to pay her four dollars) and smeared cream all over each other.

Which brings us back to me looking like someone shoved an entire cake into my face (actually, Jung Min took a whole blob [I just said "blob". Ha ha.] of cream and smeared it on my face. 
I went back with cream in my eyes, my nose, my ears, and miraculously not my mouth. 

Nobody was spared from the wrath of the creamed cupcakes. 

Now I'm really sleepy and need to finish off my English draft 2 and fold my clothes and pack for my flight tomorrow. 

Oh, and read Pride and Prejudice.

P.S. Happy b'day to Khairul Sadeq as well. Have fun being a year older.

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