Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's bleeding gums, Leona.

This website is beginning to grow on me. Check it out.

I seem to have forgotten to tell you guys I visited a dentist on Friday. It was horrible. 

The guy seemed nice, explained everything (mostly) to me, told me he was going to clean my teeth then seal one of my molars, and reseal the other (meaning he intended to drill out my previous seal and fill it in again).

Okay, I thought. No problem. No biggie. 

Man, I was wrong. 

After the dentist dude had discovered a slight, small decay after he drilled out the seal and given me very unpleasant experiences, I spat out loads of blood and went to consult a mirror. 
I looked like some zombie from Night of the Living Dead. All my gums were bleeding and there was blood in between all of my teeth. 

Ouch? Ouch.

MS dudes are having Kem Qiadah now. Give you guys a little taste of what it feels like to live at school away from home. But it's only for four days. And no homework. 
Oh well.

There's an assembly tonight. Probably to welcome all of us back to this hell-hole- I mean, uh, school. 

Need to shower and then draw more triangles, if possible. 

Then I should probably study Bio as well...


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