Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Yellow chair!

I realised I have a fear. A fear of dying alone and estranged, with no family, no friends and no 27 cats either (yes, Stella, I'm talking to you). 

Maksim Mrvica is still epic. Epic, I tell you, epic. Even Ivanka has picked up my bad habit of saying "epic!" whenever his name is mentioned. Epic.

Every once in a while I have to say this: Spammers, stop trying to sell me Viagra. It's not decent. Thank you.

I know my Physics assignment is wrong because it definitely does not take 97 hours for water to reach 30ºC from 0ºC. 

I think there was something else I wanted to write about here, but I can't recall. 

Oh well.

I finished The Fire Thief today. It was good and funny and light, you know, like... like, I don't know. 

I'm tired and sleepy and I'll leave this post here for the day. 

P.S. I love rain.

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