Friday, March 06, 2009

Dubito, corgito, ergo sum?

I'm sitting here, my iTunes on shuffle, my roommate out for the night. 

Ivanka's got homework.

I couldn't be bothered to interrupt Chang Yoon and Insan from their gaming to ask them to go to one of the Music rooms. 

I think Wardah's out as well, at the airport sending off one of our seniors. 

But I'm content to listen to my ever-expanding collection of songs and I'm currently trying to put off my BM puisi. Which I'm currently succeeding at, by the way. I've got one verse out of four so far.

I honestly need to get a new book. Cyrus wondered if I wore contact lenses the other day. I told him no, because I didn't need to even though my eyesight required me to. (Yeah, I'm bringing up the left eye short-sighted right eye long-sighted both with astigmatism story again.) 
I'm addicted to reading. I want to buy 'Soul Eater', sequel to 'Spirit Walker', sequel to 'Wolf Brother'. Why? Because it be addictive and awesome. 

TMNT trailer is coming along nicely. We've actually made it quite smooth now, with all those extra transitions and songs and random clips popping in here and there. 
Great start, awesome ending, messed up middle. Do you think anyone would notice?

I like CCA.

And my titration skills are terrible. 

I actually managed to finish the Chemistry pop quiz. 'Corgito ergo sum' is actually Latin for "I think, therefore I am", coined by French Mathematician and philosopher, René Descartes.
It probably has nothing to do with Chemistry and was just there to make the question sound fancy.

I think I'm going to go to bed now. 

Good night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, It was Rene Decartes. I just do not understand why is that word cogito misplaced with corgito in English.
Rene:"Cogito, ergo sum."
Translated:"Conscious(thinking), therefore I am (I exist)."