Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What ASSignment 4?

Wahai "anak-anak". Saya ni cikgu H tau? Kamu rindu cikgu tak?

Hah. I do. I miss ALL the teachers. Seriously.

Yo guyyyyss. Kem Qiadah siuk kah? Aku kan informal ni. Informal berabis. Kan? Malay oral ku epic fail.
Kebanyakan orang S'pore mana tau baca ani. Sebab dorang inda payah di-torture cam orang Brunei. But we love our national language, don't we? Don't we?


So, Maths test wasn't bad at all, except I seriously messed up a question because I didn't "show my method clearly". All I did was take my ruler and move it about while trying to keep it parallel. I could write that as my method, but I think our Math teacher would kill me. 

Bio test actually didn't suck. I did the structured questions first, then the MCQ, 'cause I don't like MCQ.

As for Study Time (first session after the holidays), here are the important points to be noted and pointed out:

- We get reminded to not make too much noise almost every study time. Aren't we great? I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.

- Chang Yoon studies faster than all of us combined and then initiated a "talk about completely irrelevant topics and debate unnecessarily" session. 

- Kelvin and Insan talk a lot. And Hyeon Kyeong stayed very quiet and pretended to study Bio.

- We placed bets on whether Ivanka was going to sit with us on the ridiculously small tables. She didn't. 

- We also placed bets on whether Chang Yoon was going to sit with us. He did. Kyeong and Insan lost the bet.

- Zeus was promiscuous. We know. 

- And Thor was Norse.

Now I'm going to go and revise Chem. Me no likey. 

It's gonna suck, I can feel it.

Btw, I am out of credit. So I apologise for any rudeness (or assumed rudeness) if I don't reply your messages. Zhen Jie, thanks. I told her I handed it in too, but she still claims I didn't but will check. 

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