Thursday, April 16, 2009

Epic fire drill.

Hey, guess what? 

Fire drill. 

Apparently they thought it would be great if we had a fire drill tonight, of all nights. When I need to study (or at least attempt to study) for a Chem quiz tomorrow and that Music test. 
At least it wasn't boring.

So the fire alarm went off again. The thing goes off so often we've memorised the entire thing. "The fire alarm has been sounded. Please remain calm and wait for further instructions. Thank you."

There I was, in the laundry room, ironing my uniform, thinking this one would be ignored like all the others. Everything proceeded as the norm. I went back upstairs to my room. 
Then, the epic-ness began. "Attention all boarders, this is a real emergency."

We took the stairs eight floors down, crossed the field to the track, took attendance, sat down, talked, was briefed briefly, was dismissed, crossed the field back, took the stairs eight floors up, and everything's back to normal again. 

'Cept for the stupid alarm the people from 7A set off. Terribly annoying.

Oh wait, it just got stopped. Good then.

Thank God I finished my English personal reflection thing on To Kill A Mockingbird days ago. It's due tomorrow, and some people haven't even read the book (or Lord of the Flies or To Kill The Flies or Lord of the Mockingbird, whichever) yet. I wrote as the black dude. Black dude.

P.S. Watership Down by Richard Adams isn't as stupid as some people think (or I initially thought) just 'cause it's about rabbits. Don't discriminate. The book is epic.

P.P.S. When I finish it, I'm definitely starting on Angels and Demons (Dan Brown, anyone?) before the exam time. 

P.P.P.S. I hope exams come and pass over painlessly.

P.P.P.P.S. Tchaikovsky was gay. How cool is that?

P.P.P.P.P.S. How many 'P's will it take to make unlimited 'P's in postscripts become illegal?

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I'm going to bed now.


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