Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Please Don't Stop The Rain -James Morrison

I really, really, really, need to download some songs. I've got a few on a list I'm keeping so I can remember to download them when I go home. 

Whoever has any James Morrison songs, please let me know. And it would be great if you could send them to me. Thanks. He's got a great voice (which he apparently owes to a great bout of whooping cough long long ago).

Spore is good. But The Sims is better. No simulation game can ever beat that. The Sims 3 is coming out in a month and a bit. Man, I so want it. Sim addict. I miss my simmies. My lovable little pixelated beings. My awesomely dumb animated creatures. My brilliantly epic creations. I need to sim. Like, honestly. 

Man, there are some things in life we won't know the answers to. Or we just aren't bothered to find out. 

Like why do we have to do so much work for Bio? What did we ever do to it to deserve such terrible fate? What's with all the presentations and reports and killing poor innocent creatures?

Why does YouTube still lag so much?

Why do I only know how to play one musical instrument? That's not cool. Diversity is cool. 

Why are people racist? Interracial babies are the answer to racism. This morning's racial harmony play was funny. Interracial babies for the win!

Why do I prefer guy songs over girl songs? 

Why did today's dinner taste nice? Salmon gooood. MMmmm.

Why can't I ever finish reading 'Watership Down'? It's been ages and I still haven't finished it. It's like the Viking Trilogy all over again.

Why are lessons so boring?

FPS skit was finally presented today. Did better than I hoped, what with all the not-rehearsing and the imaginary "international meeting" with all the foreign accents where I pretended to be Italian, Cheryl pretended to be Indian, MJ pretended to be Chinese and Rania pretended to be Japanese. Which is pretty screwed, since I'm from Brunei, Cheryl's Singaporean, MJ's from China, and Rania is from Indonesia. 


Interracial babies.

Oh, and people who complain in blog posts (look who's talking), CAN IT. 

Hah. I just quoted Powerthirst 2. 

I be awesome.

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