Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Epic volcano.

I'm now waiting for Spore to finishing installing itself into my laptop. 

The disc is courtesy of Insan, who went out to buy it a week or two ago. I know I mustn't be playing games, but I can't stand it anymore. I love gaming. I can't not game. Even though there are significantly less games for Mac than PCs. 

It rained this morning before school. I love rain. It makes me feel revived, in a way. I love it. It makes me happy. Rainy weather rules. 
I was kinda disappointed, 'cause I wanted to see how we hold flag-raising on the track in the rain. Instead, we went to the hall. No fun.

I think a lot of people have started quoting me. "Die, homework, die!"
I don't mind, not at all. But you heard (or saw, rather) it here first, kay?

I may be able to pass this Music test. Ms Tay let us use the textbook for half an hour. Luckily. Or else I would have epic failed. 

Other than that, the rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. 

PE was fine. We ran three laps and had nothing to do 'cause some of us were retest-ing NAPFA. 

I'm not going to like, bore everyone with how the rest of my day went down, 'cause it's a mini-miracle that I survive such boredom. Not that I'm complaining. Boredom is good. The last time I complained, my wallet went missing. So it's good. All good. 

Now I'm going to see what work I can complete before the weekend is up. Or play Spore.


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