Friday, April 01, 2011


Oh man, killer week is over, and now that I can take a break from revision (and other activities along that line), I've got to catch up on homework.

Homework, oh homework.

It's a hard decision to make, you know. When you have to choose between handing homework in on time and pass a test/quiz. It's hard. I absolutely hate handing work in after deadlines, but ever since this week of failure has started I honestly don't want to fail another/test/quiz ever, ever again.

Didn't post, because we were all busy as hell studying for Cell Bio (which was ridiculously hard and I hope I pass), Chem (which was horrible and I'd love to pass), and Physics (which was quite good, compared to the hell of Cell Bio and Chem prior to today).

Agh, horribleness.

But yeah, life goes on. We have to move on. One failure shouldn't stop us from moving on in life. Just because you've fallen down the stairs once doesn't mean you shouldn't ever take the stairs again. It's all a matter of being more careful next time.

Everybody screws up. To err is to human. I swear to God this is not going to get to me. I'm going to own the next Bio D quiz. Because I love Bio. Yeah, you heard me.

Anyway, boomz, it's April already. It's like the past three months have taken a forever and yet passed by so quickly.

The past few days have been hectic. Passed 2.4, thankfully. Had Sam run with me, and got a C. It's good to have someone with you when you run. It's like, yeah, don't stop, 'cause if you stop I have to to, and I don't want to stop, and if I stop you'd have to stop and I don't want that to happen, so I won't stop.

But yeah, we did stop to walk since we knew we had time. I'm probably going to make a gentle reminder for myself next year to not push things to the limit, 'cause twenty seconds slower and I would've gotten a D instead. Why oh why is my stamina so horrible? Because I don't train. I should train. But I don't. I wonder why.

Oh, and yes, I'm thankful for the Math department and their nice, lenient, "upgrading" of our assignments and graded class tasks. I really am. Without it I'd probably be screwing Math up. Heavy reliance there. Right now, I kinda like Math. It's okay. I understand it.

Math and I, we're having a truce. I like it that way.

Okay, I'm going off now. Much work has to be done.


P.S. Happy April Fools', everyone.

P.P.S. It seems like it's time I looked for some new songs to listen to.

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