I seriously need to get back into writing mood again.
Honestly, I would write about what we did for what classes I had today like the R-ians are doing (I miss doing that and sharing our stupid inside jokes with you guys), but I only had one class today, which was Physics.
I think Physics is better than Chemistry, because it makes more sense. But I like Bio more because you don't have to do calculations. Calculations is where I get everything wrong.
So anyway, I'll try to write about my day today.
Well, first of all, I woke up to the sound of my toiletmate's (people we share a bathroom with) alarm and realised that I hadn't ironed my skorts yet. It was the kind of realisation that makes you go, "Ohcraptheregoesmychanceofsleepinginwhydidn'tIdoityesterday?".
Ironing done, water-bottle filled, I went down to the canteen for breakfast, where they were serving those pizza buns (which aren't really good, actually) and slices of cake for breakfast. I took the cake, because they taste way better (even when they're off the balanced diet "a healthier choice" thing).
We went to the track for our morning assembly after breakfast (obviously).
There was the usual "stop talking turn around face the front" and a few announcements nobody bothered to listen carefully to.
ACE was next. It turned into a "complain-about-this-guy" session for some reason I can't recall.
The real ACE topic was on listening. No, seriously. Listening.
It was okay, I guess. And it certainly wasn't boring.
Next off? Physics. The very name strikes our hearts with fear. Fear of extreme boredom, that is. We learnt about temperature and thermometers (if you're thinking this should be easy, keep in mind it's Singapore NUS High version).
Thankfully Ivy asked for a five-minute break (which got extended to twenty) because everybody in class was either about to fall asleep or about to kill themselves out of boredom.
It wasn't that bad, to be honest, but I like to exaggerate.
After two hours of Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit and Rankine (the Farenheit of Kelvin), we went for lunch.
Had wedges and chicken nuggets. Just in case you wanted to know.
Da Vinci was super, super boring. It's a research programme. I think I know what it's researching now: "How bored can a bunch of Year 2s get before they die of boredom?"
Now I need to go and put my clothes in the dryer.
Oh, and homework still sucks.
I'm looking forward to a possibly fun weekend now, playing Wii and eating the tapak kuda I brought from Brunei. The poor cake rolls have been sitting in the freezer for a week now.
It's raining now. I love rain. How it reminds me of home. It's been raining there nearly every day, and it hardly rains here.
Ah, the tranquility of the constant drumming of raindrops on the surface.
Brunei's rain should come here.