Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 25th National Day Brunei!

Mozart's songs are so peaceful (some of them, at least). I'm listening to the peacefully legato Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major (YES! I got the title right without looking)  now. 

At least I'm studying the right thing for tomorrow's Music test. I hope I can pass really well. Hope. Which is pretty impossible considering I had to attend a dinner just now, but still. 

About the dinner. 

The dinner.

Oh my gee the dinner. 

The dinner was freaking (pardon my language) awesome!!!

Wardah, Nicholas and I arrived at the Hyatt around past six. The Hyatt is a super cool place. The toilets have got loads of mirrors in 'em, and they look super cool. 

Enough about the toilets though. We met Syafiqah, Fatinn and Feyra (my seniors, they make me sound young. Har har) at the lobby and went up to where the party-thing was held. We were greeted cordially (been waiting to use that word since I read The End by Lemony Snicket) by the people who greet guests and then I gave my invitation to one of them with the cancelled out "Awang".

The food was divine. Man, I hope Heaven is like that (without the long queues and if I go to Heaven, that is). 

Met some people, had loads of cake. Will definitely steal pictures from the others. (My phone is officially hopelessly broken. Even if I pay a hundred plus dollars to repair it, the new software might crash and my phone will be rendered useless, so it's not really worth it.)

I love cake. 

It's strange how back in Brunei, I thought I loved National Day. Now, even when I still have to go to school, I love National Day even more. It's something that keeps us ten Bruneians at NUS High together. Our country. 

Man, that was real corny. 

For BM today, we did one of the craziest, sickest things ever.

We were suppose to write out a dialogue for a picture in pairs. Aisyah and I got a picture of two boys standing on a beach, one carrying a bucket and the other completely naked

Our dialogue went something like this:

Budak A: Eh, mana seluar kamu?
Budak B: Entah. Mungkin hilang di laut semasa saya berenang.
Budak A: Oh, begitu. Tidak apalah. Saya boleh meminjamkan kamu baldi saya untuk menutup...
Budak B: Terima kasih, tetapi saya lebih suka telanjang.*

Man, even our teacher cracked up. So wack, man. 

Kid A: Hey, where are your pants?
Kid B: I dunno. Maybe I lost them while I was swimming.
Kid A: Oh. That's okay. I can lend you my bucket to cover up...
Kid B: Thanks, but I prefer being naked.

Hey, guess what? Beethoven was bad at Math too. My textbook says, "...but he was weak in elementary arithmetic."


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