Sometimes, people like to judge you because you listen to Mika. I don't really care. So what if he's a bit gay? So what if he's a bit off on sexual orientation? The guy is talented, and I'll give him that. I love Mika. (Gay men have so much more personality in writing music. I swear it.)
Need to listen to Michael Bublé's new album as well. And OneRepublic's.
Speaking of albums, there's one in particular I'm especially looking forward to: MCR's. Should be coming out sometime early next year, and I'll definitely be needing it once it's been released.
Been plagued by two things all day today.
One of them is hiccups, and the other is my brother.
Ah, hiccups. You get rid of them and they somehow manage to show up again like an unwanted visitor for no reason whatsoever. Bleh.
Ah, my brother. You can't get rid of him (unless when he goes to school, but that's another story) and he somehow manages to be able to annoy you in every way possible for no reason whatsoever (I personally think he enjoys being a total pain in the ass. I don't know for sure).
Before dinner, he asked me if I would help him with his little jigsaw puzzle. Sure, I told him. Of course I'd help.
So there I was, fitting pieces into this terribly easy puzzle, where he watches me for a while and goes "Jie, I know how to do this. Let me do it myself."
I'm like, "Are you sure?" and he goes, "Yes, now let me do it," and I let him do it and return to watching television. I turn around just in time to see him wrecking the entire thing. He looks at me and goes, "Whoops. Jie, can you help me with this?"
"No way in hell," I find myself thinking. But since my body likes to contradict what my brain says, I finished it for him anyway.
And to wrap it up poklenz-style, baH, I tiDuRz duLu Ahxz. AhAkxx.
P.S. Don't get me wrong. I love my brother.