Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Listening to Keane's 'Somewhere Only We Know' right now. It's been ages since I've felt like I've truly fallen in love with a song.

It's a beautiful song. There are many nice songs out there, but this one is beautifully written, and I love it.

Feeling extremely sleepy, but there are clothes strewn all over my bed waiting to be folded before I hit the hay.

Woke up slightly earlier this morning. Had to be in the audi by seven.

Basically had to clear up all the ketupat-making material and get them ready for distribution to classes, play around with the chapteh things, and wait for our turn to go on stage.

Forgot lyrics here and there, but overall I think our 'Selamat Hari Raya' performance wasn't that bad. I mean, it could've been more embarrassing and less fun.

Yos and Abdur finally showed up (getting Faiz to finally stop talking about Yos, since he was there in person), though Insan overslept (at least that's what I think happened).

I think we would've died if there was any lack of manpower.

I've still got a whole stack of coupons left, 'cause apparently the chapteh was too hard for some, hopscotch too tedious and batu seremban a bit confusing (not too clear about the rules).

Hardly anybody wanted to go to the concourse anyway, 'cause it was all the way at the other end and wasn't air-conditioned. People go to the hall just for the air-conditioning, I know it.

Ended up being really lenient and randomly giving out coupons. Should've claimed for more ourselves though.

A huge thanks to all the people who were there and helped out. (Feel kinda bad 'cause I've been calling, spamming and doing things like that for the past few days.)

Need to continue packing and probably sleep now. I wish I could pack in my sleep. That would be awesome. I'm completely brain-dead. Can't...process...thoughts...into...proper...paragraphs.


P.S. No, I do not worship chickens.

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