Thursday, November 05, 2009

What the neraka?

Oh my gosh, I practically had to tear myself away from 'The Lost Symbol' to type out this 'ere post.

Just started reading. Like, fifteen minutes ago. Couldn't help it. The internet connection here lags so badly, the only thing I could do while wait for Twitter, MouseHunt, Facebook, Blogger and Gmail to load was to stare at 'The Lost Symbol'. And then eventually pick it up and read it.

When I went out with Fatinn to Clementi this morning after the History paper I craptalked and scribbled my way through (YES, exams are over), I secretly vowed to myself that if I didn't get that book by the end of the day, I wouldn't go back to the hostel.

But apparently the bookshop there sold out (or something like that), so it was a no go. (Which was super lucky, 'cause when we got to City Hall, it was on some kind of special offer and I saved an entire twelve bucks on it. Heck, I was totally prepared to spend fifty bucks on that book. That was so fated, man. Mmm yeah.)

We had prata for lunch. Yum. Received a call from MJ, and she said, "Hey, we're eating you now. With curry. You taste good." (Which basically meant they (some of the '03 girls) were eating curry chicken. Also, they wouldn't admit they missed me. Why on earth would they call me twice otherwise?)

Met up with Wardah, Syaf, Emily, Zikri and Spencer at KFC after that. Ran through the rain to get there. If I'd known I was going to get that wet, I'd have at least brought some shampoo along with me.

Anyway, we went bowling, which was pretty siuk. I hadn't bowled in years, man. But heck, that was fun.

Played three games, and then left for City Hall, where we jalan-ed for a while before meeting up with Wardah's neighbour.

Then rushed back before study time (which we still have to do despite it being the end of exams).

Lepak-ed in Music Room B for a while with Emily, Fatinn and Wardah (wanted to play pool but the Games room was occupied). Oh God, how I've missed that.

Till yesterday, I hadn't touched my baby for a week and three days. I'd forgotten how smooth its neck felt to my palm, and how soft its strings were to press, and the sweet, familiar tension of its strings against my fingers, and how beautifully it could sound. I'm so sorry for neglecting you, my dear Alhambra.

Ah, don't you just love post-exam life?

Going to resume reading 'The Lost Symbol' now.


P.S. I took the last History exam of my life today (I thought the same last year after PMB, actually). But since I'm not taking History for next year, I can safely say History for me is now history. Oh yeah.

P.P.S. I think I've started using weird phrases to swear in. Like "what the neraka?", "holy kerbau", and the most epic of all, "holy chicken".

P.P.P.S. There seriously is something wrong with me, isn't there?

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