Monday, January 18, 2010

Productivity fail.

Waiting for roll call.

Did close to nothing during study time. Talk about productivity fail.

I think my addiction to Tetris is returning. Not good. Not good at all.

Listening to the Chipmunks' version of "Stayin' Alive". Awfully cute. And catchy.

Okay, roll call done.

As I was telling Syaf in the lift going down to dinner, I died during PE, then got resurrected.

I think I just might die again during 2.4.

Dr Sun has awful counting skills. He goes, "I count until fifty," and then says "One, two, three, three, four, three, four, five..." really slowly. He seems to improve significantly when he gives us rests though.

Had Malay after that. Still very grateful for our air-conditioned Malay classroom. Had to do some things with the newspaper article pictures. Made up a weird story ending with how this lady's botched plastic surgery made her look like Susan Boyle (no offense, Ms Boyle. You are an amazing singer).

Almost fell asleep during Geog. Ms Chua was telling us about all the fundamental geomorphologic processes and I was there nodding off in a corner. Poor Geog. I like you, really.

Went back and kinda like passed out on my bed after that. Heck.

Study time was wasted. Again. Managed to do a page of the Chem worksheet. One. Oh yeah. Just one.

Okay, need to be productive now.

See ya.

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