Sunday, January 10, 2010


Read a notice downstairs saying that study time is still on tomorrow night, despite the assembly at nine (for "bonding", you know).

Yeah, forty-five minutes in the library sure sounds helpful. They should start on Tuesday to at least give us the entire one and a half hours. And it's so unfair that Year 1s to Year 3s have to be at the library. Can't get anything done there.

Anyway, my mailbox is being spammed by Facebook as I type this, 'cause we're embarking on an epic search for a China scholar for MJ (it's high time we started).

Don't worry, MJ, we'll definitely find you someone before the end of the week.

Had a pretty uneventful afternoon, because I slept it away in a desperate attempt to get rid of my swollen eyes and leaking nose. Ridiculously retarded flu-thing. Thank goodness it's okay now. Don't want to show up at school looking like a goldfish or something.

Have PE tomorrow. On a Monday. Which means we get to wear ties after running around. Sounds like fun.

At least we don't have Math tomorrow.

Dinner-ed with Fatinn, Syaf, Emily, Woan Chyi, Wardah, Collin, Thao, and Ly-En just now. Had epic conversations about random things.

I miss 8A. Best cluster ever.

All right, going off to read LotR now.


P.S. It's a LIE.

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