Monday, February 22, 2010


Hmm. Decisions are pending.

Talentsearch is back, and we've made another epic mass bet, except that this one might actually go somewhere.

The deal is to join Talentsearch, and see who can get the furthest. Quite interesting. I think I might be game, but I dunno. There are a lot of things to consider.

Listening to Adam Lambert's version of 'No Boundaries' now (courtesy of YouTube). Been stuck in my head since they played it during the SLI rehearsal on Saturday during the photo montage thing. I prefer this version to Kris Allen's, although Kris Allen's is more... singable. And easy on the ears. Both are good.

Anyway, tiring day today.

Learnt how to write formal letters in English. The concept is pretty simple.

Name of dude
More address
Even more address
Still address
Ridiculously long address we have here
Yeahp, still address
Keep going
Almost there
Singapore 123456

Dear Sir,

You Suck
Like, seriously.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,
*place signature here*

The Psychotic Elven Princess

And there you have it.

Practically died during PE and came back to life again for Malay.

I'm going to get gloves and knee pads and crawl my way through 2.4. Seriously.

Was seriously nodding off during Geog. Didn't do much, 'cept listen to Ms Chua talk about meanders and the difference between levees and point bars.

SLI was bleh. Felt so hungry throughout the entire thing, went for second helpings of the free food we got afterwards (mmm, free fooood).

So now we're officially "installed" student leaders. Interesting.

Going to sleep now.

Yeah, told you I was tired. (And I don't think it's just me. Plenty of people fell asleep during Geog today too. Must've been the awful combination of hot weather and PE out in the sun.)


P.S. I'm afraid. Very afraid. Of cutting my earphones wire in half again. That, and I'm severely afraid of failing Math. God help me.

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