Mm yeah.
All right, I wasn't going to do it, but I'll do it anyway. Just can't resist. Here goes: It's the first day of February today.
There. I said it. I pointed out the blindingly obvious. Now I can't help it but go on to how time goes by so freakishly fast 'cause it seemed like 2010 just started blah blah ohmyGee2012iscomingsoonwe'realldoomedholymotherofchickenthisisscrewed blah blah you get the drift.
Woke up super sleepy and tired this morning. Somehow managed to survive mentoring, English, PE (2.4 included), Malay and Geog before coming back and sleeping my afternoon away.
The highlight of my day is that ridiculous bet I made with Faiz. Apparently we both lost, initially, then both won. It's a long complicated paradox-ish bet. But it is funny, I'll give it that. We'll see how we do our forfeits tomorrow.
Life would be so dull without reckless, stupid bets. It's fun that way.
Speaking of bets, I lost mine with Woan Chyi, and now I owe her pizza. January's over, and I still haven't finished reading LotR. It's taking me absolutely ages, 'cause I hardly touch it any more.
Need to read.
Oh yeah.
I'll do it tonight then.
So better go off now. Back to Gondor.
P.S. If Faiz doesn't do his part of the bet tomorrow, we'll all be severely disappointed. I hope he does it.
P.P.S. We waited at least twenty minutes for rice during dinner today. Lucky I had Woan Chyi with me, or I'd be standing there stubbornly like an idiot alone.
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