Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mertiger bear.

Finished my Math ass., so feeling quite fulfilled at the moment.

Need to read those first forty-six slides of our Geog notes though ('cause Ms Chua said so, and we somehow think it's really funny to keep mentioning it during study time. It's like, "Quick, so I can read my forty-six slides of Geog," and "So, what do the first forty-six slides say?").

Spent the first half of ACE completely not caring about the CNY classroom decoration thing (complete waste of resources, you know), then changing my mind sometime later. It's good to care.

Check out our last-minute drawn-on-whiteboard polar-bear-tiger-mermaid hybrid. (And failed Tiger beer logo right next to it.)

We like to think that the mertiger-bear (an apparently "macho" version of the merlion, according to Insan) is just there to eat up our homework list.

Anyway, did some graph stuff during Math, then had non-existent Malay class.

Had some issues with the "bridging is compulsory" thing, but managed to sort it out (kinda) in the end.

Came up with some weird treaty thing during study time. Colin was all, "Hey KT, I'll give you Singapore if you give me India," and then KT went, "Let me think... Okay, I'll loan it to you for three weeks.'

Then we went on to talk about how ridiculous it'd be to move the entire population of India to Singapore, and vice versa. Singapore would overflow and epic fail, and India would be rather empty.

After that we considered moving the population of Singapore to China and vice versa, where Singapore'd probably sink and every Singaporean family in China would be able to like, own a town or city each. It'd be like, "Hey, you wanna come over to my city tomorrow night?" Weird.

Gonna go read LotR now.


P.S. Ms Lau mistook "rofl" for "lotr" today. That was epic.

P.P.S. MouseHunt has this double CNY plus Valentine's event. The Tiger Costume mouse is seriously cute. I heart CNY.

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