Thursday, September 18, 2008


It seems that news of my departure has spread. 

So, yeah.

So I may be leaving (in like, four months). But it's no big deal, honestly. At least I'm still alive, right? Right?

Don't cry.
Crying is for...people like Cikgu Fatimah. Don't be emotional over little things. No use. Be happy.

I still want to watch 'Money Not Enough 2', but the opportunity is growing slimmer by the second. My parents are so lazy.

"Dad, let's watch a movie!"
"Eh... I want to sleep."
"Ask your dad."

Oh, by the way, does this layout look cooler or what?

Did anyone notice that yesterday's temperature was exceptionally chilly? Chili. Chilly. Chile. 

Right. Spontaneous English Lesson.

Chilly (adjective) - Cold.

Chili (noun) - The stuff they give you in little packets at any fast food restaurant.

Chile (noun) - A country.


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