Thursday, September 11, 2008

Major boredom.

Can you believe it? (You better.) 
Five pages into my Commerce notes and I feel like the Sandman is trying desperately to get me to sleep.
But no, I will not fall asleep. Instead, I will come here to waste time and later kill myself for it.

Just for the sake of being completely random: I like to take pictures of cake.

I feel like... I need to do something, but I don't know what.


I'll get back to you later if I figure it out.

Today, we did stuff.

Then played Uno and 'Heart attack'.


How boring can it possibly get? 
I'm sure there's a limit, where something can't be any more boring anymore. 
Can anyone really die of boredom? 
Who knows?

We Chinese learn from our mistakes. Instead of being so awfully bored like last week, us people brought stuff to do, like play games and cards.

What else can you do with a set of Uno cards?

We should bring gambling cards next time and play Blackjack.
With no money, of course, because that would be gambling and gambling isn't uh... good.
Not that the teachers would care anyway. The non-Muslim teachers, I mean. They pretty much don't care about what we do there. How cool is that?
Way cool.

'Cher Yati seems to think nobody can ever skip school because of health problems. Every time someone's absent, she goes all skeptical and says they're just afraid of her tests.

I don't know, really. She may be right sometimes, but I honestly don't think it's a nice thing to do. (Ms Anne don't kill me please for using a banned word.)

Oh well. 

Gotta go.

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